LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't use racial profiling


RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 16th, 2012 @ 11:30AM (12 years ago)


RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 16th, 2012 @ 12:11PM (12 years ago)

You are in the Matrix.

It is all an illusion.

They have to pretend to care on paper. Really, everyone knows the violence in the West End will not end from anyone other than the people involved in the violence. There is nothing anyone can do about it. Period. As far as a study about racial profiling, it's just another way to move money from one palm to another palm. Nothing will change. I have made the decision to no longer care about the "politics and bullshhiittt". It has been so liberating!

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 16th, 2012 @ 2:11PM (12 years ago)

This is easy to do when you are spending someone elses money. If it came out of their pocket or a bunus check, this would not happen. 55 thousand dollars would buy two new police cars to put on the streets, or an officer's salary for a year, even better it could be put toward a raise for the Officer's

Chief Conrad wants to prove that we are not racial profiling by spending 55 Thousand dollars. Why dont he have PIU/PSU send him all the complaints of officer's due to alledged racial profiling. I have not saw any at all in the last few quarterly disciplinary reports that have been sent out.

I DO NOT agree with wasting $55,000 on a Bullshhhhhhhhtttt survey. This type of BS really makes you not wanna do your job for fear of being called a racist. Just my two cents.

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 16th, 2012 @ 2:16PM (12 years ago)

University of Louisville is racking up from the Metro Government. SPI got paid Fifty Thousand to help find a Chief, and now this. Come on!!! You scratch my back & I'll scratch yours.

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 16th, 2012 @ 3:11PM (12 years ago)

This is a typcial use of wasteful spending of the taxpayers dollars. Can we really complain? Look at how many Lieutenants we have making $80,000 a year. Micah Schu is over the fleet and never in a uniform, Andy Amhrion is over the Tow Lot. Taxpayers dollars are spended toward paying HAZARDOUS DUTY RETIREMENT to positions such as these, and there is nothing hazardous duty about it. Get in a uniform and our on the streets, then you can be considered hazardous duty.

Those positions could be handled by a civilian, someone not being paid hazardous duty pay.

You would think the Chief and Mayor would be able to see this wasteful spending. No wonder the Police, EMS, Fire have to fight and wait to get a raise.

Maybe Fox or Wave will do a News report on this wasteful government spending of tax dollars. Hundreds of Thousands of dollars could be put back into the community if we had a good manager.

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 16th, 2012 @ 3:37PM (12 years ago)

Maybe the Chief will give the $55,000 to conduct this survey, which he wants to do out of his salary? He is already drawing a nice retirement check and this salary. $55,000 would not hurt him.

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 16th, 2012 @ 11:21PM (12 years ago)

This is true, Two retirements! Now working toward a third. All the reason for Chief Conrad to use his own money, if he wants to prove this Department is not racist. We wasnt a racist while he was an Assistant Chief, before he left for Arizona, and WE are not a racist Department now that he has returned, as the Chief.

Chief White didnt have to do it, so why is he? We have nothing to prove but "Service, Metro & Integrity" our patch says it, and the coin we carry in our pocket says it. We have values!!!! Morals!!! Dont come back to this Dept after being gone 7 years and think we are racist. This is not a good morale boost for the troops.

You can order an investigation through your PIU/PSU investigators, So have them conduct an internal investigation to racial profiling. They need to do a some work anyway. This will save us taxpayers $55,000 dollars. PIU/PSU investigators can do this during their typical work day.

It is funny how you see all of them eating together during luch, but have a few beat officer's eating together they get written up. Obviously there is no Commanding Officer watching over the PIU/PSU Investigators. They have way to much time on their hands.

Yet another waste of Hazardous Duty spending, being spent behind a desk.

Let the Fur fly!!!!!!

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 16th, 2012 @ 11:47PM (12 years ago)

If he's going to make some changes in this police department, he needs to get going with it. The Troops are waiting for change, the brass is waiting to kiss A#$ to get an appointed position. Do something for the one's who actually FIGHT CRIME, the ones's who are working to keep your status, as being the Safest City in America.

Every Gold Badge is driving around a brand new car, look at the Officers who drive junk cars, cars that do not perform to the level of expectance. You will not see a Lieutenant or above driving a vehicle with 40,000 miles on it. Gold badges do nothing but administrative work, the beat officer's are the ones fighting crime and they do not have the adequate tools to do their job.

We will see if things change, or if we stay with the "Same ole-Same Ole". Just remember when you are sitting behind your desk, eating with your family in the afternoons & sleeping at night with your wife, There are dedicated Officer's on the street living up to the METRO values.

RE: Louisville police chief wants study to prove department doesn't...

June 17th, 2012 @ 8:14PM (12 years ago)

I agree, paying Lieutenants hazardous duty pay to be over the tow lot, fleet,and numerous other asministrative positions is wasteful. You are correct, Andy Amrihon & Micah Schue are never in a uniform, they are required to wear a class A uniform to work as everyone else is. Must be nice to not have any supervision. Makes a person wonder where their Major is, definitely not supervising them. Pay a civilian to work the tow lot & fleet, we would save money, civilians dont get hazardous duty pay.