LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville officials to announce long-term strategy for western Louisville violence


RE: Louisville officials to announce long-term strategy for western...

May 26th, 2012 @ 8:44AM (12 years ago)

Really, you mean it doesn't mean that officers must be trained in collecting real time information, or intelligence, and the processes in which it must be verified and directed to the appropriate persons for verification and distribution to the end user?

You mean it doesn't mean that if the information is stuck in the GIGO cycle, such as LMPD's current system, it isn't intelligence, it is Data?

Is that what you refer to.

Or is it the fact that with out a dedicated system, or group, with in an organization to gather, tack and vet information, the system is doomed to failure. After all information is not intelligence.

Yeah I read those books too.

It goes back to the concept that every soldier is a collector of information. But I am guessing you will be offended by the military reference, even though ILP is a direct spin off of the military model.

Thanks for playing.

RE: Louisville officials to announce long-term strategy for western...

May 26th, 2012 @ 5:41PM (12 years ago)

I took the train the trainer class for Intelligence in policing and a real Intel would incredibly helpful. But they don't want a point focused intel unit. They want it to just work at the division level. I disagree with that and base my opinion on having previously worked in our Intel unit, and doing intel in the military.

RE: Louisville officials to announce long-term strategy for western...

May 27th, 2012 @ 10:42AM (12 years ago)

“Intelligence Led not "lead" policing has nothing to do with an intelligence unit, you BUFFOON!!! Please read and learn before you post next time so you dont look so dumb.”

- So you will show what a “buffoon” you are by insulting the poster? Nice, you must be one of the sycophants who surrounded his holiness, Robert “Bob” White.

- Your choice of insults shows that you are easily offended when challenged. One can only hope you are not in a command position, however we can all safely guess you are.

“Its all about using real time data on crimes and patterns and gathering information from others within to go where the problems or risks are...and incorporating community policing models along with it.”

- No it is NOT “all” about using real time data. That is only a portion of how IPL works, or is supposed to work. YOU are like so many other persons who spout buzzwords yet have no idea of the concepts behind them. After all, one has to know the topic before they truly understand it.

- Unfortunately for you, another poster called you out. And he or she is correct. In the model of IPL, which combines the learning of both the US and Israeli Militaries with the concepts of community policing, every officer becomes collector (such as every soldier is a collector of information), an every contact becomes a potential source. This requires the vetting of the information, the source and the understanding of the when, where, how and why that information was obtained. ONLY after it is vetted can it truly be called “intelligence”.

- These means that YOU (an I a$$ume YOU were one of those ‘managers’ pushing for an increase in the number of FI’s) will have to readjust YOUR thinking. The number of FI’s should decrease, but the QUALITY of the FI’s that are entered should increase.

- This means we, as an agency, will have to retrain a HUGE number of officers who came up under this broken system of com-stat to NOT think about numbers. This means we will have to push for beat/sector ownership and will have to truly depend on those officers to OWN an KNOW their beats.

- This means that ALL the specialty units will have to get past “getting their numbers”… This means they will have to actively share information from their sources. And this means that COMSTAT bean counters will have to accept that individual numbers may suffer.

- This will also mean that LMPD will need atleast TWO dedicated units within our agency. One to gather, vet and disseminate the information/intelligence and a “rapid response team” to be able to quickly move between the imaginary boundaries of the beats, sectors and divisions.

- This will also mean that we need to fully incorporate with the smaller agencies with in our county for the purpose of obtaining and sharing information as well as targeted enforcement.

But like several of the other posters, I have been well trained and well versed in intelligence collections, assessment and preparation. But given how you called the OP a “buffoon” you will probably not care about any of what we have posted and will refuse to listen and learn from the "underlings". So just keep using your buzzwords, polish that tack on your collar, and leave the real policing to the rest of us.