LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Police shoot and kill dog who attacked mail carrier


RE: Police shoot and kill dog who attacked mail carrier

May 11th, 2012 @ 9:32AM (12 years ago)


RE: Police shoot and kill dog who attacked mail carrier

May 11th, 2012 @ 10:17AM (12 years ago)

Let me guess...you have less than five years on. My point: only newbies talk that way about another police division and its officers. It's not your fault though. When I was your age, I thought the world revolved around me too. Once you grow up, you realize you are only a small part of it. Keep up the good work friend.


May 11th, 2012 @ 11:10AM (12 years ago)
Posted by: Just Saying!!

Tell that to the widow of Chris Dunn or better yet, call Johnny Graig from J-Town and tell him nothing ever happens in the east end! More than likely you police in a part of town that there is a "COP" on every corner. Try it in a place that your backup might be 10 or 15 minutes away....


May 11th, 2012 @ 12:16PM (12 years ago)
Posted by: Me

Its easy to police where everyone is either wanted, armed, carrying drugs or all three. If you are such a great cop then you could work the 8th and be productive. I have worked both sides of the city /county and you can be a good cop anywhere. Stop making fun of the 8th. Nothing productive can come of it. Transfer out there and lets see how good you really are.

My respects

May 11th, 2012 @ 1:12PM (12 years ago)
Posted by: BP III

To the officer who had to draw his weapon and make the decision to put rounds on the dog, well done. You were able to handle yourself in a manner where you most likely saved this woman's life. To be able to place accurate rounds on a moving, aggressive animal and end that threat is no small feat. You will be monday morning quarterbacked for your actions and the division you work in, let it slide off your back. Job well done and hope you are doing well. Not everyone has had to draw and use their weapon in the line of duty, but rest assured those that have not have an opinion about it and how you performed. Glad you are safe.

Billy Pearson

RE: Police shoot and kill dog who attacked mail carrier

May 11th, 2012 @ 5:32PM (12 years ago)

This explains it all.

RE: Police shoot and kill dog who attacked mail carrier

May 15th, 2012 @ 2:10PM (12 years ago)
Posted by: booger

Lets see the person who posted its only the 8th must have back up less than 3 seconds away and only police 5 city blocks with 12 - 14 Officers. The 8th is 93 square miles with only 8 and if were lucky 10 officers with back up 10-20 mins away. I know we dont have people standing on street corners selling drugs but theres more drugs in the 8th than anywhere in the city but we have to fine it ( its not on the corners ) and yes we do have crime in the 8th. I to have worked thru out the entire city and policeing in the 8th is not a all easy. Sure the run volume is not as high but ask anyone from the old city that has come out to the 8th and they will say WTF wheres my back up, when its not there in just a few seconds.Just a reminder we are ALL LMPD so show some respect to Your Dept. and your coworkers


July 28th, 2012 @ 10:16PM (12 years ago)
Posted by: yeahright

I am so sick of the police in this country running over the public and "our rights"! I have absolutely NO respect for police here. They are abusive authoritarian bullies who think that they have the right to do as they wish and the public just has to take it. I got a news flash for them I don't respect their authority and it isn't over me and if they came to my house and shot my dog they just might get the favor returned. I don't take things like this lightly and somebody could get seriously hurt over a dog. Cops need to learn to cool it and learn their place and never forget they are public servants not the other way round. I can't even watch shows like AMW or cops because every time I do I see people getting abused, slammed on the ground when they weren't resisting and such. If you notice the police will be yelling stop resisting while they abuse the person with excessive force. The reason is they know it's being filmed and this negates any legal action that could be taken against them. It's total BS and the police nationwide are out of control. I would recommend that no young child be taught to admire or look up to these nasty little violent people who masquerade as protectors. "Protect and Serve" yeah right! what a joke! more like "Abuse and Bully". 99% of police wouldn't know honesty, decency, and respectfulness if it slapped them across the face. They are power hungry angry little bitter nothings in search of a life.