LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Police shoot and kill dog who attacked mail carrier


RE: Police shoot and kill dog who attacked mail carrier

May 11th, 2012 @ 2:35PM (12 years ago)

That may be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. So you think the west end is where all the real police work is done. Must be nice to have it so easy! Get out of your vehicle throw a rock and hit someone with dope,warrants and maybe a gun. Out here in the 8th,5th,SMPD,JTOWN and so on its no picnic. I worked in the westend for several years and it was fun in the beginning and towards the end it sucked! There is plenty of police work to do out here in the east end. Each of the divisions and departments I mentioned has plenty of scumbags living in their area. I work for one of the smaller agencies i mentioned now. I thought it was going to be a nice easy job when I came here, boy was I wrong. I'm busy everyday. Somedays more than I want to be. The money is great but let me tell you guys who have put in with JTOWN and SMPD here in this hiring process. It's not a retirement job anymore. If you get hired come prepared to work. It's no west end, but their is plenty to do. Lots of dope, thieves and starting to see an increase of street robberies. Im sure the guys and gals I the 8th and5th will say the same thing. So get over yourself we all wear blue uniforms with different patches and badges, but we are all family. It's us against the evils of society. Stay safe brothers and sisters.

RE: Police shoot and kill dog who attacked mail carrier

May 11th, 2012 @ 6:27PM (12 years ago)

To the officer who fired, you performed admirably and I commend you on doing your dangerous job. A job that is just as dangerous as any other division. Bad guys are everywhere and everyone of us has to be vigilant at all times. Maybe more so when by percentage you don't deal with as many serious runs, but they are all serious when we have to decide to use deadly force. The nay sayers on this sight need to examine the t-shirt they wear, for I seriously doubt there is an "S" for Supercop on that shirt. Be team players instead of getting on your fellow officers. Better yet, you do have a right to your opinion, but have the guts to go to the officer and say it to him/her in person.

Paul Kinkade, 7th Division

RE: Police shoot and kill dog who attacked mail carrier

May 12th, 2012 @ 4:55AM (12 years ago)

Billy, you are my hero!