LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville Metro Police Officer Charles Moore has lengthy history of misconduct


RE: Louisville Metro Police Officer Charles Moore has lengthy...

August 5th, 2010 @ 9:12PM (14 years ago)

Listen Exlax! When I mentioned Nit Pick it meant that these two reporters have been notorious when it comes to trying to make even the smallest of mistakes look like monumental ones to sensationalize their story/agenda. No one on here has or will defend this officer. Everyone knows he is a problem child, always has been and it amazes everyone that he still has a job. He is arrogant, self centered and not deserving the honor of wearing a badge. With that said, these two reporters have nor will ever want to publish a positive story on our profession. If you are in law enforcement or a civilian, know this. They clearly and over the top blamed the officers of the LMPD for the court problem that was a system failure of a large magnitude over a 40 plus year period. Did they ever truly bring in the Commonwealth attorneys office? NO. Did they point out how the sneaky defense attorneys scam the system? NO. Did they point anything out on the judges who try to beat it before 11am? NO. Did they point out how the attorneys and judges have their secret handshakes and work together at times to take care of each other to the detriment of the officers or even worse the victims and public in general? NO. Have they tried to do a story on how the same predators keep getting out to assault, rob and steal from all of us time and again, after Officers that do show up and try to keep these scumbags off the street? NO. They threw court on the police and it was a minority of officers. Ask the ones who did go to court and rarely had the issues they raised, and they would tell you, punish those who failed to do the right thing. These two reporters are in fact pathetic with their attacks. One is angry because his wife was at fault in an accident, he and she wanted it changed and were denied because the woman was at fault. What happens next - his attacks. Ain't mad at him, not mad on his publishing the Moore article. Needed to be done, but don't think for a minute that he is not nit picking everything an officer does when the officer is clearly right in doing their job. He is trying to make what was done right look wrong on some of our people to make a story.