LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Former Metro Corrections employees sue again


RE: Former Metro Corrections employees sue again

June 18th, 2010 @ 9:08AM (14 years ago)
Posted by: kickbacks

Why do we call it 'corrections' I arrest the same folks time and again. They are not getting 'corrected'! Can someone pls CORRECT these folks so i don't have to arrest them anymore? Laughing now. And we shouldn't be called 'police'. we should be called 'LIMITED' or 'LEASHED'. WE ARE COMING TO GET YOU !!!! (maybe) WE WILL ARREST YOU (if our S.O.P. allows). WE WILL CHASE YOU !!! (if we have a felony and some scared young sergeant doesn't call you off). Hell, at this point, if I were a dirt bag, I'd run too. What do you have to lose? There is a pretty good chance no one will be allowed to chase you, if you get caught - Jefferson County courts won't do crap, and if you do go to jail - you won't get CORRECTED. Anyone notice how many people on foot and in cars flee lately? Everyone knows this county has been neutered. I am starting to feel like mall security............................................observe and report only.