LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department
Updated: Monday, April 26th, 2010

FOP Explains Heiner Endorsement


RE: FOP Explains Heiner Endorsement

April 29th, 2010 @ 6:05PM (14 years ago)
Posted by: BP

I can only speak for myself when I say this but I have "Let it go" as some of you refer to merger. I would just like to see anyone (who may be capable) from within our current department, regardless of their previous employer, be given a chance to run this place. It worked for years prior to merger and it can work again. Outsiders seem to lose focus on who makes up the backbone of this department (The officers). I can and will remember the good old days but I do know they are long gone and never will return. I am "over it" and have fully accepted merger. I just want to see our next Mayor have confidence that our department can be ran from within.

Be safe this weekend. Take care of each other and for gosh sakes DON'T take any **** from anyone whether it be at some glitzy event downtown, in the infield or on Broadway./ Everyone go home safe!
