LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Abramson's cronies try to spread muck about the Police


RE: Abramson's cronies try to spread muck about the Police

June 2nd, 2009 @ 4:06PM (15 years ago)

Please, please, please, guys - KEEP TRACK OF THIS STUFF. That's the problem, so much of this goes on and if you don't document it, it didn't happen. Make a list, go back and make a copy of the documentation, the sub and the case jacket. Make SURE you are documented on the case jacket, stand there and WATCH them do it, and do not leave until they do it.

Same for those "off-duty" assists, KEEP TRACK. Write it down in your court book, call it off on the radio, EVERY TIME. Make a note of the location, the time, etc. If nothing else, you can use that information down the line the next time JA tries to screw with you, since you CAN go to the Labor Cabinet and request back OT for it. They cannot require you to work and not pay you for it. Don't let him hold all the trump cards.

RE: Abramson's cronies try to spread muck about the Police

June 2nd, 2009 @ 10:00PM (15 years ago)

I got my 48 hour notice the other day for allegedly missing court in 2007. What? How am I supposed to go for my "interview" and answer questions about a court case(s) from 2007 when I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning? This is a classic case of "wag the dog" where the outcome has already been predetermined. The Chief and the Mayor know they will lose the illegal take home car tax and are looking to make up the lost revenue by suspending officers for a few days. I want to know if the case jackets are going to be made available for my inspection. What about the sign up sheets? Did I have multiple subponeas that day? Where are my Court Continuance slips for 2007? What about video from the courtroom? I'm sure PSU will leave no stone unturned in attempting to prove my "innocence." I'll go through the motions with absolutely no faith in the process knowing full well that the outcome has already been predetermined. As we all know, with this Chief and Mayor, police officers are guilty until proven innocent.