LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department
Updated: Monday, May 10th, 2010

Investigation finds Gross Mismanagement in city government


RE: Investigation finds Gross Mismanagement in city government

February 24th, 2009 @ 6:39PM (15 years ago)

I wonder if there will ever be a way to evaluate the cost of what people have cost the citizens. Funny, you think that Abramson is accountable to you, but you, as an employee of the city paid for by tax dollars, are NOT accountable to citizens. Hypocrisy must be getting tired of rearing its ugly head with you all.

RE: Investigation finds Gross Mismanagement in city government

February 28th, 2009 @ 2:01PM (15 years ago)

The real gross mismanagement is the fact that every other major police department makes police officers pay for police cars. FREE CARS and OFF DUTY jobs, I bet there are some really wealthy police officers who CRY CRY CRY! I have no love for the selfish egotistical police (some not ALL) of Metro Louisville. Not to mention that you Police free loaders pay almost nothing for health insurance..All other metro employees pay more than triple what you pay and the coverage is not even as good. Yeah the secret is out and the truth hurts. GREEDY FREE LOADERS=Metro Police Officer (some). Tell the truth about yourselves and look in the mirror sometimes....A GREEDY FREELOADER is what you will see. All you guys (some not all) know how to do is BLAME BLAME BLAME. EXCUSE EXCUSE EXCUSE How about blaming your worthless union president. You guys (some not all) are a bunch of crooks who should be in jail yourselves. We have crooks protecting us...WOW Chief White better start cleaning house. Come to think of it I really feel bad for Chief White because he has to deal with you idiots on a daily basis. You FOP morans (some not all)...all you know how to do is slash the tires of elected officials and find ways to get out of doing your job. STOP being GREEDY and get some crooks off the street starting with yourselves. Two of your brothers died and all you selfish idiots do is make stupid posts. YOU GUYS ARE JUST THE BEST! YEAH RIGHT