LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department
Updated: Monday, May 10th, 2010

Investigation finds Gross Mismanagement in city government


RE: Investigation finds Gross Mismanagement in city government

February 21st, 2009 @ 10:32PM (16 years ago)

Are you kidding me? Where have you been?

What about the 4th div. officer that had his car shot up? What about the 2nd div. officer that had his car shot up? What about the 8th div officers that almost got run over while chasing a dirt bag that just robbed a jewelry store in traffic? What about the 3rd division offrcers that got thier cars rammed by a dirt bag that just burgularized a gun store? What about the two officers that wrestled a knife from the person that wanted officers to kill him? What about the EMS (not sure of rank) that was struck by a car on the freeway. WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?

I would like to see you make a statement to a widow or widower or for that matter anyone that thier loved one that has even come close.

Your STATS you like to refer to are an end result you pompas A#* not what goes on.

Just because YOU do not see what happens on a DAILY basis does not mean it is not there and does not happen.

You are such a jerk, tell that to the loved ones of the officers laying in University of Lousville Hospital right now.

I have seen two thats 2 officers lying on the ground dead so far in just 5 short years. That is 2 too many



RE: Investigation finds Gross Mismanagement in city government

February 22nd, 2009 @ 11:10AM (16 years ago)

Actually, yes, we do - because we have to initiate stops with people who may not be overly happy about being stopped, and who may, in fact, have just done something (like kill their girlfriend and get drunk, as just happened) that they THINK we know about.

The problem is, we don't feel the need to publicize every "owwie" we get while working - maybe we should start a website to show how many times cops get hurt on duty - because of the criminal action of someone else. Come on guys, post 'em, let's indicate how many injuries, trips to the hospital and days off we've gotten just in the last few years? Just because the media doesn't pick it up doesn't mean it doesn't happen.