LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

The Police Tax

RE: The Police Tax

February 19th, 2008 @ 2:24AM (16 years ago)

Most of their ambulances are only staffed with EMTs.

RE: The Police Tax

February 19th, 2008 @ 11:44AM (16 years ago)

Yep, I'm told the majority of trucks are BLS (two EMT-Bs) rather than ALS (a EMT-Paramedic and an EMT-B, or even two EMT-Ps) - and they are in a world of hurt for staffing. Glad to see someone is paying attention to the problems in EMS, because as noted, if something bad happens, they are part of the team!

RE: The Police Tax

February 19th, 2008 @ 4:20PM (16 years ago)

In the last couple of weeks, EMS lost 4 trucks on late watch. The others are supposed to pick up the slack. I was told that after I asked them why their run times were up. They said they were told that it would not affect their ability to protect the citizens. Why isn't this in the news???

RE: The Police Tax

February 20th, 2008 @ 9:31AM (16 years ago)

As badly as LMPD is being screwed over by the mayor, the police are FAR from the only people that are suffering right now.

The fire department still has a lawsuit going to the Supreme Court, and they are no doubt being mistreated in numerous other ways.

EMS is running their asses off attempting to keep up with runs, and they are losing manpower left and right. I've requested EMS several times code 3 in recent months, only to sit around for bloody forever while an ambulance starts my way from friggin 20 miles away.