LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

The Police Tax

RE: The Police Tax

February 16th, 2008 @ 11:44PM (16 years ago)

I have yet to see the dedication and commitment by "GM FORD" makers risk there lives and homes for nickel and dimes. Heck the guy sweeping the floor at ford makes what two new rookies make a year!

RE: The Police Tax

February 17th, 2008 @ 12:11AM (16 years ago)

I didn't forget why I became a police officer, and that does give me pause in these cases. I'd still like to think that I care about doing my job.

However, I'm not sure just how much more of this crap we're supposed to take. I'm really not somebody that normally complains, but good god man I've had enough. I probably wouldn't even complain about the $60 fee if they'd stop screwing us over in numerous other ways as well.

RE: The Police Tax

February 17th, 2008 @ 12:13AM (16 years ago)

Now that we have heard from some Lieutenant that makes $75000 a year and doesn't have to work off duty let's set the record straight.

True- KSP doesn't work off duty. They make more than us in pay and bennefits and get OT out the butt. They were hired knowing they couldn't work off duty LMPD still uses the take home car program as a recruiting tool.

As far as airing our complaints on line, when you first log on look at how many people are online. At the time I am posting this there were 501 people on-line. This is a very powerful tool for us. Sure some of the comments are juvenile, but for the most part they are justified and it is the only way we have to get our message out. Why do you think you haven't seen any of this on the news or in the paper yet? Abramson doesn't want it on the news and therefore we have to get our message out.

RE: The Police Tax

February 16th, 2008 @ 10:46PM (16 years ago)

 They already do and I 4 one like the "Public Forum" If we are right why hide? Plus the chief really hates it.

RE: The Police Tax

February 17th, 2008 @ 1:11AM (16 years ago)

right, look at gm and ford and compare. those places started to contract out jobs that their employees did. it got to the point where those people at gm and ford are now out of a job. do you think that the hiring of those civilian report takers and the telephone reporting unit were really put in to "free up" officers to be availible to respond to more emergency runs. dont you think it is strange that our department is hiring more civilians for police work and creating more slots for commanding officers, therefore less patrol officers? and people wonder why we dont get any raises. and they just keep on taking more from us. as far as ksp goes they might not have some thing but you dont hear about them losing anything, and , they get to police they way it needs to be policed with out having to put up with any of the crap we do.

RE: The Police Tax

February 17th, 2008 @ 3:14AM (16 years ago)

Ah yes, gotta love those LT's. The most overpaid do nothing job except to dictate like a puppet what the Chief says. Since you feel things are soooo great, maybe you could cough up a little more to the Mayors fund. Maybe you could pay a couple of hundred bucks per month. I'm sure your doing a ton of Police work like spying on Officers trying to catch a policy violation. Whatever!!!!

RE: The Police Tax

February 17th, 2008 @ 6:34AM (16 years ago)

There are to many Sgt.'s and Lt.'s on LMPD. There are as many CO's in the divisions on day work as officers riding the beat, probably more! LMPD could easily eliminate 30 CO's positions......That is like adding a new recruit class of Officers to ride the beat!

RE: The Police Tax

February 17th, 2008 @ 11:54AM (16 years ago)

I think you are wrong that you can take the gas off of your taxes, They would have to put a monitary value on the car for you to claim it.