LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

The Police Tax

RE: The Police Tax

February 15th, 2008 @ 12:40AM (16 years ago)

I agree wholeheartedly. We have not heard anything from the FOP leaders on this issue yet. I am hoping they are working on it. I hope Metro Council will do something about it. It is unjust and aimed solely at the Police. Unfortunately it is aimed at the ones making the least amount of money because they are the ones doing most of the off duty work. The Officers with families and kids are affected not the top brass.

There is a special place n hell reserved for Abramson. This is not his life he is screwing with,it is a bunch of hard working Officers and their families. Give me a raise and I won't have to use your damn car to make up the difference you cheapskate!

RE: The Police Tax

February 15th, 2008 @ 6:10PM (16 years ago)

I came to work today and checked my e-mail. I got excited when I saw something from John McGuire until I opened it and found it was advertising something for a finacial seminar. WTF???

Why haven't we heard anything from our new and improved board of directors about this?? The time to act is now and the time we need information is now. This secrecy bullcrap is for the birds. I can understand the contract not being talked about because of the rules they have to go by, but this is high priority and affects a lot of our members.


RE: The Police Tax

February 16th, 2008 @ 6:34PM (16 years ago)

This doesn't have anything to do with this event...but that dumba*s "accept the challenge" crap on the fop website, I would hope LMPD is paying money for that advertisement. I would guess not because we have to bend over backwards to kiss everyones a**. Boy thats sure is getting us a long way