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Jackie Green's withdrawal from mayor's race prompts outburst of comments


"A ridiculous hoax," read one comment. "Why the sudden change of heart?" asked another.

After independent Jackie Green announced late Friday that he was dropping out of Louisville's mayoral race, his Facebook and Twitter accounts were littered with responses ranging from words of encouragement to disbelief.

Some of the postings that suggested the announcement was bogus led to concerns that Green's social network accounts had been hacked. One Twitter post even went so far as to say that Green had been kidnapped and held hostage beneath the KFC Yum! Center by Skynet - a fictitious corporation responsible for starting World War III in the "Terminator" movie series.

But despite the allegations that the decision was fake, Green reaffirmed it in an overnight e-mail distributed to the media and others early Saturday.

Green said in the e-mail that he was "deeply grateful" for the support he had been given during his campaign.

"I am grateful for what you have generously given me and generously given Louisville," Green wrote. "It was your intelligence, love and wisdom that made the strength and common sense of our platform the force that it was, the force that it continues to be."

Green did not return phone calls Saturday afternoon.

In his e-mail response, Green said his decision to drop out "has been viewed by some as a sell out - a backroom deal."

"Selling out requires that a price be paid," he wrote. "No price was paid to me. No price has been promised to me."

Following his announcement, he endorsed Democratic candidate Greg Fischer for mayor. Green said he decided to endorse Fischer after being reassured he would have "significant input" in a new environmental office - called the Office of Sustainability - that Fischer would create if elected.

"The only promise made was Greg Fischer's promise to Louisville that Greg will consult with (Jackie) Green to provide significant input to help structure that office," Green said in his e-mail.

Green could bring "very valuable perspective" to the new office, Fischer said in a press release following Green's announcement.

Election ballots have already been printed and Green's name will appear under the mayor's race, but whether votes cast for Green will be counted was unclear. A Board of Elections spokesman could not be reached for comment Saturday and did not respond to an e-mail.

Green in his e-mail acknowledged that he understands his decision may have upset some of his supporters, but his response would be to ask independents "to do the same thing we have asked Democrats and Republicans to do. … Vote your dreams and your vision, not your fears or your party."