LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Benefits For Public Safety Officials...The FLSA Spells It Out






The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that requires employers to pay

minimum wage and overtime compensation (under specific circumstances) to their


Since the FLSA became applicable to state and local government employers in

1986 following a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, many public employers have attempted

various ways to avoid paying overtime compensation (i.e., time and one-half pay) to fire

fighters, rescue service, emergency medical service (EMS) and law enforcement personnel

as the law requires.

If an employer's overtime pay practices are in violation of the FLSA, employees may file a lawsuit against the employer and obtain back pay (which may be doubled to include what is known as "liquidated damages"), reimbursement for attorneys' fees

and litigation expenses.

Various circumstances in which public employers are required to pay overtime (after a specific threshold is met)—and in which many public employers try to avoid paying overtime—are described below:


Many different rules apply to federal public sector employees. Please check the Federal Employees page for special rules that apply to them.

ON-CALL TIME – Payable in Certain Circumstances

In some jurisdictions, public safety employees are required to be on-call during times that

they are not on duty at their normal work site. These on-call hours may be considered

compensable hours of work (and payable at the overtime rate) if the restrictions placed on the

employee during the on-call time prevent the employee from utilizing the time effectively for

his/her own personal pursuits, and thus the time is regarded as being predominantly for the

employer's benefit. Factors that are considered in determining whether on-call time must be

the average number of emergency calls the employee responds to during the on-call


the time in which the employee has to be at the work site after being called in.

whether an employee is subject to discipline for missing or being late to a call-back.the extent to which an employee is able to engage in other activities while on-call.


Under What Circumstances Are On-Duty Meal Periods Compensable?

Law enforcement employees are often required to remain "on-call" prepared to answer calls

during their scheduled meal periods. The U.S. Department of Labor regulations provide at 29

CFR ยง 785.19 that an employee's meal period is compensable unless the employee is

completely relieved of duty. Some states have adopted this test as well.

Some courts, however, have adopted what is called the "predominant beneficiary test." Under

this test, the courts determine whether the police officer or his or her employer is the

predominant beneficiary of the meal time.

In cases in which officers have been confined to a particular location and been on-call, the

employer has been found to be liable for overtime pay for the officer's meal time. In other

cases, in which officers have been free to eat wherever they wish so long as they maintain

radio contact with their employer, and they are only rarely interrupted with radio calls, the

courts have ruled in favor of the employer.

Key factors that courts look at in these cases are:

whether the officer is on-call during the meal period;

how often he or she is called while on-call;

whether there are any geographic restrictions during the meal period;

and, if so, how onerous are those restrictions, and the length of the meal period.

As you can see, the outcome of these cases is highly dependent on the individual factual

circumstances involved. If an officer is on-call during a meal period and the employer places

restrictions on the officer during that meal period, such as confining the officer to the

employer's premises, it is possible that a valid claim for overtime exists.


It is Allowed Only in the Public Sector and Only if you Agree to it

The FLSA permits public employers to afford compensatory time ("comp time") to law

enforcement personnel in lieu of cash overtime payments provided that the employees agree

in advance to this compensation policy. In states that permit collective bargaining between

employers and employee representatives, an agreement covering a group of employees may

be reached through negotiations with the employees' representative. In non-collective

bargaining jurisdictions, an employer may institute a comp time in lieu of cash overtime policy

through agreements with individual employees. Under current law, law enforcement

personnel can work 320 overtime hours and thereby accrue a maximum of 480 hours of comp

time (320 hours times 1.5) before overtime hours worked above this maximum must be

compensated in cash.

An employer must permit an employee to use his/her accrued comp time upon request unless

using it on a particular day would (in legal terms) "unduly disrupt the employer's operation."

An issue that will soon be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court is whether an employer can

force an employee to use accrued comp time.


Are PoliceOfficers Entitled to Overtime?

The FLSA generally requires that public employers pay time and one-half overtime to law

enforcement personnel when they work more than an average of 43 hours a week. However,

the FLSA also exempts certain classes of employees from this overtime pay requirement. A

public employer can determine that officers shall not be paid overtime if:

officers are paid on a salaried (rather than per hour) basis; and

the officers perform primarily supervisory duties during their work time.

The courts have established factual and legal standards that are applied to determine

whether these two conditions are met (and therefore, whether officers are improperly being

denied overtime pay).



Fire (arson) investigators in a public fire department whose job is to investigate possible

arson following a fire may not be grouped with fire fighters for overtime pay purposes, and

therefore, pubic employers cannot decide that they will pay overtime to these employees only

after they have worked 53 hours in a week. Arson investigators are entitled to overtime

compensation after they have worked either 40 or 43 hours in a week, depending on whether

their job responsibilities include certain law enforcement functions


Employees who perform an emergency communications role dispatching public safety

personnel and equipment to fire, crime and accident scenes and who are not assigned (or

rotated) into law enforcement or fire protection (i.e., fire suppression or prevention) functions

must be paid overtime according to the 40-hour workweek standard rather than the higher

thresholds permitted for police and fire fighters.


Time spent outside the normal shift caring for dogs by law enforcement officers assigned to

canine units is considered to be compensable work time under the FLSA. Thus, public

employers must compensate canine handlers (usually at overtime rates) for time actually

spent on off-duty hours attending to the dog entrusted to their care. Compensable activities

include feeding, walking, grooming, training and taking the dog to the veterinarian. In addition,

time spent travelling with the dog to and from work may be compensable depending on the

specific facts and circumstances involved (some courts have required the employer to

compensate the employee for the entire commuting time each day, while other courts have

articulated a more restrictive rule regarding travel to and from work with the dog).


Must be Paid Overtime for Activities Such

as Lineups, Checking Out Firearms, Writing Reports...

Many public employees, aside from canine handlers, are entitled to be compensated for jobrelated

duties that they perform either before or after their regular work shifts. The general

rule is that an employee must be compensated for activities performed either before or after

the regular work shift if those activities are an integral and indispensable part of the principal

work activities for which the person is employed. Whether pre-shift or post-shift activities are

considered an integral and indispensable part of the principal work activities is highly

dependent upon the specific facts of each case. In deciding a particular case, courts will

analyze whether the activities in question are necessary to the job and performed at least in

part for the benefit of the employer (compensable time), or are performed for the employee's

convenience (non-compensable time). Therefore, in many cases, public safety employees are

entitled to be compensated for such activities undertaken outside their regular shift such as

cleaning firearms, checking firearms in and out, inspecting and repairing equipment, attending

a lineup or briefing, or writing reports.


Among our most cherished rights are the right to speak freely on matters of public concern,

and the right to associate with whom we choose. These rights to freedom of speech and

freedom of association are protected by the First Amendment to the United States

Constitution. Although there is no "right" or "entitlement" to government employment, public

employers can not fire, refuse to hire, or otherwise discriminate against an individual based

on his or her exercise of First Amendment rights.

The First Amendment provides an important check on the ability of public employers to

discipline or otherwise discriminate against a public employee.


Under the First Amendment, individuals have the right to speak out on matters of public

concern without having government employers retaliate against them for the exercise of free

speech. In the employment context, to be protected, there are two basic requirements:

an employee's speech or comments must involve a matter of "public concern";


the employee's interest in speaking on the matter of public concern must not be

outweighed by the employer's interest "in promoting the efficiency of public


In addition, the employee must prove that the protected speech was a "substantial" or

"motivating" factor in the adverse employment decision. Another way to say this is that the

employee's protected speech must have been a reason that moved the public employer

towards its decision. Further, the employer can escape liability if it can prove that it would

have made the same decision even in the absence of the employee's protected speech


Matters of Public Concern

Matters of public concern are issues that concern the public at large versus issues that only

affect an individual employee. Speech on matters of "public concern" is speech that can be

"fairly considered as relating to any matter of political, social or other concern to the

community." Courts have routinely found that issues regarding public safety (including

staffing, response time, and equipment for emergency services), discrimination, public

budgets, taxation, and fraud are matters of public concern. Conversely, courts have found

that issues are not matters of public concern if they only concern such things as whether an

individual employee was properly disciplined for non-speech reasons, personality disputes

among employees, or other complaints regarding working conditions that only affect the

complaining employee.

Weighing the Harm

Once it is determined that the employee's speech is on a matter of "public concern," the

employee's interest, as a citizen, in making the speech must be weighed against the harm, if

any, to the employer's efficient and effective operations. Where the employee's interest is

strong, such as political speech or speech raising a serious issue of public safety, it will be

very difficult for the employer to "win" this balancing test. As one court said with respect to

speech concerning cuts to emergency services, "it is hard to imagine any combination of

government interests sufficient to outweigh [the employee's] interest in informing the public

about policies he believed were dangerous to the City's citizens."

In this regard, the courts often look to whether the an injury or disruption of the workplace

affecting the public employer's ability to provide its services occurred, or is likely to occur.

Moreover, employers may not single out a particular employee or particular type of speech for

punishment. If an employee or particular type of speech is being singled out, the courts

usually strike down the speech based restrictions as unconstitutional.


In Texas, a fire fighter was discharged for speaking to the media following a routine fire

in which a fire fighter died of a heart attack, and another fell from a ladder, sustaining

serious injury. The fire fighter, who was president of the local fire fighters union,

informed the press that recent budget cuts and staffing reductions may have played a

part in the incidents. The Court found the fire fighters' statements to the media

constituted speech on a matter of public concern, protected under the First Amendment.

The fire fighter was reinstated with back pay, benefits, and payment of his attorneys'

fees and costs.

In Missouri, a fire fighter was discharged after publicly announcing the local union's

endorsement of a local fire district board candidate at a political meeting. The unionendorsed

candidate was running against a long time incumbent, who had the support of

the fire chief and his fellow fire board members. Although the Fire Department claimed

the fire fighter was fired due to abuse of sick leave, the jury concluded that this was a

false reason given by the Fire Department to disguise its true motive of punishing the

employee for engaging in protected political speech. The jury awarded the fire fighter

substantial damages, including back pay, compensatory damages for pain and

suffering, and attorneys' fees and costs. In addition, the fire district was ordered by the

court to reinstate the fire fighter.

In a case involving a state highway patrol, a state trooper was disciplined for allegedly

withholding information regarding missing property. At trial, the court found that the true

reason for the trooper's discipline was that the trooper had endorsed a candidate for

patrol superintendent who was opposed by the trooper's superior. In balancing the

employee's interest in free speech against the employer's interest in the efficiency of the

service, the court ruled in favor of the trooper because the highway patrol could not

show that an injury or disruption of the workplace was or would be the result of such

protected speech.

In a Tennessee case, a fire department prohibited any literature at the workplace that

mentioned "unions" or "labor organizations." The Department did allow fire fighters to

read other magazines and books to the workplace, including adult magazines such as

Playboy. The prohibition solely related to union material. The court struck down this rule

finding that it was an invalid content based restriction on speech that was unnecessary

to promote the efficiency of the department's service to citizens. This case also

demonstrates that a public employer may not discriminate against certain types of

speech based on the employer's opposition to, or disagreement with, the content of the


In a South Carolina case, several fire fighters were not hired after their department was

merged into another City's fire department. The fire fighters had been active in the union

and had publicly commented on City related issues in the past. The fire fighters won a

jury trial in which the court found that the City had violated the fire fighters' First

Amendment rights.


Public sector employers (state, local and federal government employees) may not take

adverse actions against employees based on the groups with which the employees associate,

such as labor associations, political organizations, and civic groups. This right is not absolute,

however. For example, a police detective may not be able to associate with known organized

crime figures, or associate with a motorcycle gang that the City is investigating. In evaluating

'free association' claims, courts must balance the employee's First Amendment interest in

belonging or associating with a group against the employer's interest "in promoting the

efficiency of public services." It is rare for an employer to be able to justify restrictions based

on an employee's right of association.

In addition, the employee must prove that the protected associational activity or membership

was a "substantial" or "motivating" factor in the adverse employment decision. Another way to

say this is that the employee's protected association must have been a reason that moved

the public employer towards its decision. Further, the employer can escape liability if it can

prove that it would have made the same decision even in the absence of the employee's

protected activities.

In attempting to justify a restriction on speech or freedom of association, the employer must

offer more than mere speculation or conjecture; rather the courts will look to whether an injury

or disruption of the workplace affecting the public employer's ability to provide its services

occurred, or is likely to occur


In a fire department there were two IAFF local unions — one for the officers and one for

the rank and file. The City ordered the employees in the officers' local to withdraw their

affiliation with the International union, claiming that it created a conflict of interest for the

officers to affiliate with the same union in which their subordinates were members. A

federal court struck down this restriction finding that there was no rational basis for the

City's fears.

In a case involving the District of Columbia's attempt to restrict the association rights of

police officers who were trying to organize a union, the court held that a District of

Columbia Code provision, which forbade membership by D.C. police officers in a union

that was affiliated with any union that asserted the right to strike, was unconstitutional.

The City argued that the restrictions against affiliations were necessary "to insure a

smoothly running, fair and impartial police force." The City suggested that a police

officer's union sympathies would interfere with his ability to respond to labor disputes.

The Court rejected the City's arguments and struck down the Ordinance as an

impermissible restriction of freedom of association.

In a case involving fire fighters' attempts to become affiliated with an international union,

the court declared a North Carolina statute that prohibited fire fighters from becoming

members of a labor organization that is affiliated with a national or international labor

organization, to be unconstitutionally overbroad. The court held that:

It matters not . . . whether the firemen of the City of Charlotte meet

under the auspices of the intervenor, a national labor union, but

whether their proposed concerted action, if any, endangers valid state

interests. We think there is no valid state interest in denying firemen

the right to organize a labor union -- whether local or national in scope.

In a similar case involving police officers, a court struck down a regulation that

prohibited police officers from joining or maintaining membership in any labor

organization whose membership was not exclusively limited to full-time law enforcement

officers. The City attempted to justify the regulation on the grounds that a police officer

must appear to be impartial and neutral in the handling of labor disputes. The Court

concluded that the City's asserted interest did not outweigh the First Amendment rights

of the police officers to join a labor organization of their own choosing.


Employees who successfully pursue First Amendment cases are eligible to recover the

following types of remedies:

Declaratory relief such as a court's ruling that a statute or ordinance is unconstitutional;

Injunctive relief such as an order that the employee be returned to work;

Actual damages such as lost wages and benefits;

Compensatory damages, such as pain and suffering caused by the employer's


In extreme cases, punitive damages to punish the public officials who violated the

employee's rights; and

Attorneys' fees and costs incurred in pursuing the case.