LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

How can you tell what the real motives are when someone points a gun at a cop?


The phenomena of suicide by cop is new only in name. The involvement of victims in their own homicidal demise has been well documented throughout modern history. It's my belief that this term has cropped up to stigmatize police officers who are forced to shoot people who are endangering lives. The fact is, it is impossible to commit suicide by the act of another person. Suicide is the act of killing oneself. It is impossible to know the true intention of those who are justifiably killed by police. We know they are often in a state of fear and anxiety. It's no coincidence that the profile of someone who commits a suicide by cop is the same as those who murder police as well as those who die in custody fighting themselves to death. Suicide is the act of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally. The act of suicide can only be done by the subject who kills himself. It is not possible for another person to commit the act of suicide. Police officers cannot be the instruments of criminal, deranged or crisis-driven minds. If an officer kills a subject who is perceived to be threatening others, it's justifiable homicide, not 'suicide.Subjects who are shot to death by police cannot be asked their true intentions. Even if a note is found, it's impossible to know what the subject's intentions were at the time of death.One study shows that in over 50 percent of 'suicide by cop cases, the perpetrator actually used a weapon and fired a shot during the incident. Being shot by police is not necessarily an effective way to die only about 17 percent of people who are shot by the police die. If a person is wounded by police gunfire after threatening or committing violent acts, it's not surprising that they claim they did not want to kill anyone but themselves.

To say otherwise could mean time in prison. People who are shot by police in 'suicide by cop situations are usually in a state of fearful anxiety and feel completely out of control. Fear builds anxiety and generates into anger. It is not a secret that extremely fearful and angry people often act irrationally, being indifferent to the consequences of their behavior. Just because a person acts suicidal does not mean they are actually suicidal. Most murders are committed by people who are angry and are indifferent to the consequences of their actions. Police officers deal with people in crisis all the time and it's often in full view of the public. It's almost always impossible for officers to diagnose what type of fear or rage a subject is experiencing. Even if officers could make a split second determination, there is no guarantee the subject's focus could change from suicide to murder in that same split second.Profiles of persons who commit suicide by cop are the same as those that murder police, and fight themselves to death in custody. At the split second an officer must decide to use deadly force, subjects who are ready to murder, commit suicide or struggle themselves into delirium, all appear almost exactly the same. The vast majority are young to middle-aged adult males under the influence of intoxicants. They have prior police contact and have recently participated in an act of domestic violence.It is virtually impossible to determine whether a person is trying to be killed or attempting to kill during the split second when officers must make decisions to preserve the lives of others or their own. The end result is that even though the officer has shot and justifiably killed a violent subject, doubt is cast by the victim's relatives, political groups and the media. Officers are scrutinized and this stigmatization can lead to severe legal, emotional and physical distress. Officers also grapple with a decision to not shoot a subject who is threatening the lives of others. Officers who hesitate to use force when the situation warrants it may be killed or they may find themselves losing the respect of their fellow officers. Most officers want to know their partners will not hesitate to use force, and police who don't shoot a 'suicide by cop subject may be stigmatized by their fellow officers. If an officer fails to use a proper amount of force by not shooting a subject who has put others in jeopardy, he or she may fall into a 'tribal stigma situation. Few citizens recognize the fact that officers are trained to control situations and that the failure to control by not using force may result in being ostracized by members of their own department.As officers we must always remember that our levels of force on the street are measured by Fourth Amendment standards.The courts recognize both the split second decisions officers make as well as the objectively reasonable officer standard. This standard also indicates that judgments cannot be made with 20/20 hindsight, but only under the situation the officer finds him or herself at the time. Legally and morally officers cannot commit a 'suicide by cop these incidents should be labeled justifiable homicide.