A Louisville Metro Police officer spends his own money for some kids on his patrol route. It is a pretty big gift for the kids he has built a relationship with.
On any given afternoon, you may spot Anthony Holt and his friends on Powell Avenue right after school. "We usually come out here and throw the football, or play on that basket rim," said Holt.
That rim he is talking about is a bottomless milk crate, nailed to wood on a telephone pole. It is something that caught Officer Tyler Holland's eye. "You can see what they were playing basketball in, you know on a telephone pole and I was like y'all deserve a goal and he was like you won't get me a goal, and I was like man yes I will, bet I will."
"He said, 'you know what? Instead of y'all just playing on that raggedy rim, I'm going to buy you a real basketball rim," Holt recalled.
They are still waiting on a few parts to finish the basketball goal, but it means a lot to the kids and parents on the street. Officer Holland grew up not too far from Powell Avenue. "Growing up we didn't have a lot of money, but I always had a basketball goal, I know how much sports helped me and I want to return that favor to them," he said.
He spent $130 of his own money on some kids he has grown to love. He patrols this street about five times during his shift, and often chats with the kids. "They know my car, they know what I look like. Any time I come through they flock to my car and I get to talk with them, develop a relationship with them," said Holland.
He has also given the young kids more than a basketball goal. He will often surprise them with candy and gives advice. "He gives us safety tips and stuff, and sometimes he asks have we seen other people that are doing stuff that's really bad," said Holt.
"There's a lot of police officers out here that really want to help people and have love in their hearts for people," said Holland.