LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Officer Mattingly Terminated from Police Department

RE: Officer Mattingly Terminated from Police Department

April 19th, 2004 @ 2:35AM (20 years ago)

He's an idiot!!! Just like Louis Coleman, Farrakan, Shelby Lanier, Jesse Jackson, etc., etc., and etc. Please explain to me when the Rodney King thing hit, blacks decided to burn down the Korean section of Los Angeles. (Has anybody reminded them there's more to that tape than just was broadcast?), killing several, looting many, and costing millions in damages. But when the OJ Simpson verdict was reached, did whites react by tearing up their cities? Of course not. Now some blacks want retributions for their ancestors being slaves. Now I know this shouldn't even go this far, but who out there reading this has ever been a slave? Anyone? Didn't think so. Who out there has ever owned a slave? Humm, same answer? But just to get this straight, blacks want money for something they never was, or would admit to from whites who are, likewise, in the same boat. Does this make sense to anyone? I, in no way am preaching up with the KKK and down with everyone black. I'm not saying whites are superior to blacks. I'm all for equal rights but what I'm not for is superior rights. I really don't care what color you are just as long as you act like you have some sense about you. But some seem determined to always be idiots, and there's plenty, in both white and black. And to the people of Louisville, Kentucky, Coleman, Abramson, Mattie Jones, et al, all are really one color: Green (the color of money) for that is what they really are all about. Did Newby have a gun? I wasn't there so I can't really say but as a Lou policeman, I do know my department does not make up tales like that, but people that say it does is just reaching for straws. Even if Newby didn't have a gun on him, what is he doing out on that street that night? Where's his parents? I got news for you. Newby's parent's killed him just as certainly as Mattingly did. A bullet was waiting for him, just this time it came from a policeman. It's always the same for drug dealers. When is moronic people like this ever going to wake up? Mattingly's firing doesn't surprize or bother me. What does is that public opinion does influence the weak-spined mayor of Louisville and a few other civic leaders. I can honestly say that I've done my best to treat people of all races, etc. as fairly as possible. My police file contains many letters of praise from people of all colors on my job performance (I am white). SO don't say white policemen are out after every black they see. People like that make me retch. But that just goes to show the reaction from those too lazy to educate themselves in order to better themselves and quit blaming others for their own failures.