LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

New Kentucky State Police cruisers will be Chevrolets instead of Fords


RE: New Kentucky State Police cruisers will be Chevrolets instead...

June 14th, 2012 @ 9:52AM (13 years ago)

And I read over ,my post just now and forgive the spelling . I am on my phone (not driving mind you ) and my fingers are too big for the keyboard.

RE: New Kentucky State Police cruisers will be Chevrolets instead...

June 14th, 2012 @ 10:49AM (13 years ago)

" I will not be reasding any further comments on this site so if you feel the need to rip me a[art again i will not be reading it so go right ahead. "

Is this because you do not want to see how unrealistic you are?

You should keep reading posts to get a Broad picture of your questions.