LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

LMPD detective found not guilty of harassing wife


RE: LMPD detective found not guilty of harassing wife

June 11th, 2012 @ 6:48PM (12 years ago)

OK...I surrender to your point and I compliment you on how well you write. But, please tell me why on Earth would you suggest someone going up to someone and telling them how bad they look to their face? Isn't that asking for a conflict? You seem to think no one should have an opinion unless they say it out loud to the person they are thinking about. You are either naive or playing dumb. I guess that is your way of trying to make a point that only a coward would think less of a person and not say it to their face. You are such a juvenile.

RE: LMPD detective found not guilty of harassing wife

June 11th, 2012 @ 7:10PM (12 years ago)

Better yet, why don't YOU grow a pair and leave YOUR name since it's YOUR idea.

I didn't think so.