LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville officials to announce long-term strategy for western Louisville violence


Well said

May 27th, 2012 @ 8:42AM (12 years ago)

Overall the men and woman of LMPD do a great job of locking up criminals every day. The courts have failed on doing their jobs, and because of that the community is paying the price. This could be easily fixed. The laws are already in place with min. and max punishments. If the courts would just enforce want Kentucky state law has put in place, there will be a reducing in crime. But the problem is they don't have enough room to house all these criminals. It all boils down to money. Well boo hoo lets treat them like Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio does. Why do we treat criminals better then we treat are military men and women oversea fighting for our county? This makes no sense at all. Let’s enforce the laws that are already on the books, and keep the violence criminals behind bars. This isn't because of some great attorney came into the court room and out smarted everyone else. Yes that does happen, but I'm talking about when we have people who pled guilty to Robbery 1st/Assault 1 and they get time on the shelf. Really this happens all the time. Hell just look at the email that came out Thursday for a person charges with Comp. Murder, Comp. Robbery (4 counts) and Comp. Assault 1. A judge decided he was a great candidate for HIP. I know everyone to innocent until proving guilty, but really who in their right mind would put this person on HIP and guess what he escaped. Now he back in the same community were he was committing crimes. This person has a history of assault and violence already and look how the courts treat him. If the general public seen/heard about all the deals being made from violence criminals with long histories they would understand why we have the type of incidents that happen last week. I'm not saying it right, just saying someone needs to hold the judges accountable for their actions. If the government is not going to do this, then the news needs to start reporting on this and let the general public know what judges are letting violence criminals off easy. This is the problem, bottom line. All this meeting, holding hands, opening up boys and girls clubs, ect... give me a break it will not stop a person who has the mindset to commit crimes. I could go on forever the bottom line is fix the court system and hold the criminals accountable for their actions period.