LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Two officers injured after shots fired near nightclub


RE: Two officers injured after shots fired near nightclub

May 20th, 2012 @ 2:59PM (12 years ago)

does and did NOT return fire.... sorry.

RE: Two officers injured after shots fired near nightclub

May 20th, 2012 @ 3:12PM (12 years ago)

because PIU will be looking for any reason to make the officers conduct criminal, even if it means grasping straws. Remember, PIU investigates "possible criminal conduct" even if it is so obvious there was no criminal conduct by the officers. If I am ever involved in a shooting, I will NOT be talking to PIU at all! Homicide maybe, PIU never.

RE: Two officers injured after shots fired near nightclub

May 20th, 2012 @ 10:00PM (12 years ago)

OK, I am confused. WHY are they on administrative suspension for this? They did not return fire, at least nothing indicates they did. The only thing they did was to go and try to disperse a crown and someone shot in their direction. Hell all indication is they got grazing from pellets on their hands. I am very happy they are OK and it is not worse then it is, Just saw one of them in mandated on Friday. Sometimes this place looks to see how bad the officers conducted themselves more than is needed. On a different note, just read the email from Col Gentry, puzzle palace strikes again with knee jerk reactions.