LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

New police chief Steve Conrad sets lofty goal for Louisville and its officers

Conrad reacquaints himself with Louisville


RE: New police chief Steve Conrad sets lofty goal for Louisville...

February 24th, 2012 @ 3:03PM (12 years ago)

"...Our roll calls start formally with Officers lining up while wearing our little hats and the Sgt giving military style commands that nobody really responds to..."

- so you don't even have the integrity to act professionally and follow the instructions of your commanding officer who actually has the integrity to follow his orders, hmmm

"...Then we stand there as the Sgt goes down the line one by one looking for who knows what..."

- if you are truly that ignorant as to what is being inspected (primarily your appearance), than ask

"...What are they really gonna do? Make you write a letter? Do pushups? A STERN talking to? Pshhhhh. In order to issue punishment, there would have to be either an instruction in regards to the punishment for "violations" or a policy in effect... not just a half-azzed email from a ****ed off, menopausal and power hungry Deputy Chief..."

- once again your immaturity and lack of professionalism are glaring. A CO can begin the progressive disciplinary process against an officer (starting with counseling) for failure to follow a direct order (e.g. - reporting for duty in a neat, clean and professional appearance - which is in rules and standards of conduct by the way). So yes, you would conceivably receive a written reprimand and if you persisted in being a slob receive a suspension.

"...After this BS, we sit down and listen to what the Sgt has to put out and when they are done, it's normal roll call, screwing around and talking with your partners. Basically, formal roll calls are just a waste of time..."

- I guess I will conclude be saying that if you want to be treated like a professional you had better start acting like one. By everything you've stated here, it is obvious you have some work to do to get there. Try giving some respect and you might be surprised to receive it in return.