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Jefferson District Court judges fare well in poll of local attorneys

Most in district court receive good marks


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Jefferson District Court judges fare well in poll of local attorneys...

February 19th, 2012 @ 11:35AM (13 years ago)
Posted by: Sworn Person L.

Police officers have their favorite judges too. I have always liked Judge Sheila Collins a lot.

Jefferson District Court judges fare well in poll of local attorneys...

February 19th, 2012 @ 11:36AM (13 years ago)
Posted by: Pratorean

It would be nice if we did a survey of the judges, prosecutor and defense attornies.

we could list the comptent, the honest and the corrupted.

But the CJ wouldn't care that certain judges ALWAYS lower is the bonds {or ROR} the clients of certain defense attornies.

and I guess the CJ wouldn't care that these judges get their largest campaign contributions from these attornies.

It would make more sense to blame the process on the police attendance in a broken court system.

I wounder if the CJ is even looking at why the defense and county attornies are slow to approve { and even hesitant }the new subpoena system. Could it be that the prosecutors and defense counsel would have to be held liable and wouldn't be able to "early" docket cases to ensure that the officer isn't served the subpoena in time?

Hmmm... makes you wonder

Jefferson District Court judges fare well in poll of local attorneys...

February 20th, 2012 @ 9:20AM (13 years ago)
Posted by: dirty smelly taco

Delahanty's arrogant butt should have been rated -4 billion for implementing this 'tarded new court room system that $uck$ RHINO NUT$ (aka jacket hunt 2011/2012). Really? Like district wasn't jacked up before??????

(currently chewing on shotgun barrel)


Jefferson District Court judges fare well in poll of local attorneys...

February 20th, 2012 @ 9:21AM (13 years ago)
Posted by: dirty smelly taco

on a plus side. I, personally, would rate Judge Haynie #1.

I have always had FAIR experiences in her court room.
