LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Five finalists named for Louisville Metro Police Department chief


RE: Five finalists named for Louisville Metro Police Department...

February 12th, 2012 @ 6:16PM (12 years ago)

Mr. Cardrocker,

How is it that you seem to be the one who "knows it all" before anyone else? I read your comments on the Courier Journal site as well and you always have this first hand knowledge about what is going to happen. But even you have to admit, most of the times you are wrong about any outcomes you fantasize about happening. Not being confrontational, just wanted you to know you're being tracked for your wrongings. Please don't throw a fit and respond with a tirade of cuss words.

RE: Five finalists named for Louisville Metro Police Department...

February 12th, 2012 @ 6:32PM (12 years ago)

You are getting some bad info Cardrocker...