LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Five finalists named for Louisville Metro Police Department chief


RE: Five finalists named for Louisville Metro Police Department...

February 5th, 2012 @ 9:30AM (12 years ago)
Posted by: SPANIARD
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Why is he so worried about the west end? They only represent 18% of the votes in this city. Why is it up to the 18% who get to be top cop?

Your right, it is an appointed position by the Mayor. We don't vote on who get the police chief job. The 18% will, in time learn to live with who ever the Mayor appoints as Chief. But I believe we as officers have a say on who we see fit to lead us. As officers (just like the 18%) we pay taxes and vote, but we get to work with the Chief day in and day out. So our voice rings louder.