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Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old


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Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 19th, 2012 @ 6:50PM (13 years ago)

I am glad the merit board works.

Back to the city way for roll call!

January 19th, 2012 @ 6:58PM (13 years ago)

i just read the email Col.Gentry sent out stating we will go back to the old city way of doing roll calls . Hats, drivers license will be displayed in a formal line! What a joke of going backwards.

this email

January 19th, 2012 @ 6:59PM (13 years ago)

Historically, Roll Call was the time for officers to receive important information from their commanders. It was also a time for the commander to have the opportunity to visually inspect their uniforms and gear to ensure they were dressed properly and had all necessary equipment with them. Over the years, we have gotten very relaxed in the way our roll calls are conducted and there is no uniformity among patrol divisions. The podiums are a great addition and are widely used in some divisions, they are non-existent in others. More notably, people are inattentive and show little respect when bring addressed by their commanders.

Beginning midnight on January 29, 2012, we will begin having formal roll calls in every LMPD Patrol Division. Officers will stand in formation until properly relieved by their commander.

Officers must have in their possession their hat, notebook, and driver's license. Batons are not necessary. Cell phones will be strictly prohibited.

It is important that you respect this process and take it seriously. All divisions and platoons must participate. Division commanders must find a way to incorporate their plainclothes personnel into the process for the purpose of disseminating information as well as personnel inspection. There was a time when we had roving formal roll calls in our problem neighborhoods. Residents loved seeing their police officers in formation in their neighborhoods. I encourage you all to consider alternate locations after you have gotten use to the process.

Colonel Yvette L. Gentry

Deputy Chief of Police

Louisville Metro Police Department

633 W. Jefferson Street

Louisville, KY 40202

(502) 574-7921

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 19th, 2012 @ 7:35PM (13 years ago)
Posted by: fedup

frickin soccer moms

hats and licenses?

January 19th, 2012 @ 7:37PM (13 years ago)

Why have hats ? They are the worse....

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 19th, 2012 @ 8:48PM (13 years ago)
Posted by: Coyote

Sometimes we don't even have roll call in our division because they might be holding runs over fromthe last shift. I don't think we should even be having roll calls at all, it is so outdated. All the information any officer will need will be on thier MDT or emails. Period.


Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 19th, 2012 @ 9:31PM (13 years ago)

I think this officer is one of the rudest and unprofessional policemen that I have ever met. I find no fault in giving me a ticket but I think he puts a black eye on the department.

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 20th, 2012 @ 1:03AM (13 years ago)



Gentry: Policy Creator and Policy Breaker

January 20th, 2012 @ 2:06AM (13 years ago)

Anyone checked Gentry's Facebook recently? It appears that the Queen Colonel herself has blatantly broken the Holy SOP that she so vehemently upholds.

SOP 5.1.3 Conduct Unbecoming

[Paragraph 3] "Members are prohibited from posting, transmitting and/or disseminating any photographs, video images, audio files, text documents, logos, badges, emblems, uniforms or any other material that specifically identifies the LMPD on any personal or social networking website (e.g. MySpace, Facebook, YouTube) without the expressed written permission of the Chief of Police, or his/her designee."

[Paragraph 5] "Members who have a personal or social networking website shall not identify themselves as a member of the LMPD and shall not allow photographs of themselves in uniform."

On Tuesday 1/17/12, she updated her employment info to: "LMPD" along with a picture of the LMPD patch.

And before anyone starts tossing around the "why are you friends with her anyway?" comments, I'm not... These parts of her Facebook are wide open to any user, friend or not.

Who has the power to initiate a policy violation investigation against someone at her level??

Sure, it's some piddly stuff, but don't think for a second that if an investigation were ever opened against someone for the same thing, that YG herself wouldn't hang that person out to dry. It's quite an embarrassing example that she sets.

Also, even after all I've heard about her before, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and never even formed an opinion of the woman... until I got that email today. That's all it took for my image of her to fall to depths never reached by a member of this department (including our ex-Chief).

Just TRY to make this "hats, notebooks, and operator's license but no cell phone" and "formal roll calls" an SOP...

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 20th, 2012 @ 6:46AM (13 years ago)
Posted by: the real kickbacks

whoever is posting under 'kickbacks' - you can kiss my ass.

for those who actually know who kickbacks was - the name is retired due to some childish twit who is posting under it now. that ain't me. Any 'kickbacks' posts from the last week weren't me.


Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 20th, 2012 @ 7:09AM (13 years ago)
Posted by: dirty
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just when i thought we couldn't get any dumber. Really Yvette??? You gonna call cadence while we march around neighborhoods? When i was in the city, no one really minded the once a week deal, but everyday is surely gay.

I knew you were an adulteress (promotion prostitute?), and a backstabber, but i didn't know you were so mentally challenged until now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


January 20th, 2012 @ 11:43AM (13 years ago)

There is a Troll posing as kickbacks and Coyote.

Be advised.

Any posts using those names are not from the original two.

If you respond to either, you will only be feeding him.

When he is done playing they will return. Until then do not hold anything as a legitamate post.


A friend of one of the two.

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 20th, 2012 @ 3:23PM (13 years ago)
Posted by: kickbacks

Ok, I'll try this again. Hopefully the troll has made his point and has gone away for good. "kickbacks" (the original kickbacks, that is) is restore his likeness. This is a NO TROLL ZONE.


Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 20th, 2012 @ 3:29PM (13 years ago)
Posted by: kickbacks

Does anyone know if the White Castle at Dixie and Greenwood is the only one charging for coffee now? My friend who works in the 1st division says they still get love at the WC on Market. Talk about inconsistance business practice.

kickbacks (not the impersonating, low life Troll)

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 20th, 2012 @ 6:20PM (13 years ago)
Posted by: coyotebacks

Like this officer or not, that is a fine looking mustache, now who wants a mustache ride?

More Bad Ideas From The Puzzle Palace

January 20th, 2012 @ 7:39PM (13 years ago)

The Chiefs office keeps audio recordings of all meetings that take place in the office itself. (Just like the White House does for the President)

There is a tape recording floating around of the meeting several years ago when Gentry suggested the idea of formal stand up roll calls everyday. The Chief, yes Chief White, actually commented "That's is the most stupid idea I have ever heard of. Let's screw with them another way. Hmmm, I got it....... let's make them pay for gas." He then goes on to comment that she can do whatever she wants when the time comes for him to he leave this god awful city that he never wanted to come to. He makes sure she understands that it truly is a horrible idea, even by his standards. He explains that the troops will never go for it and to hurry up and finish because he has to get home.

Tape will surface eventually.

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 20th, 2012 @ 9:34PM (13 years ago)

I heard this shiiyt came upon us because a SGT was talking on his phone while lt col dumbas was addressing their platoon. Thats right stupid punish everyone because you didn't have the backbone to single out the problem and address right there. Your a joke when it comes to being a commander. Just look at the last two stupid decisions you have made. All I can say to the new interim chief Burks is you have a person who is out of control and reality on this dept, and will do anything to anybody to keep her position. If you let this crap continue then your as big a joke as she is.

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 20th, 2012 @ 9:40PM (13 years ago)

If all I had to do was cite a 7 yr old to court I would find me another job. This officer is a real piece of art.

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 21st, 2012 @ 8:38AM (13 years ago)

No matter how it went THIS SGT and his arrogence has caused the whole dept to suffer. He along with everyone else on this dept knows that Yvette is a grudge holding as$$. He should have kept his mouth shut. Remember at this time he who makes the rules has the power to enforce them. I have no love for this woman at all but she wears the brass so when she's around suck it up listen to her BULLSH&T and go on. Her day will come just like White's did just give it time. Again MAYOR FISHER you read this site, look at the crap this goof is doing to drive moral further in the shit$ter. CLEAN OUT THE WHOLE FRONT OFFICE AND I MEAN ALL OF THEM, if you don't then things will remain the same. We need a chief with NO ties to this current administration period.

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 21st, 2012 @ 9:26AM (13 years ago)

Does that mean that Her Highness will be in her office at 0800 until 1600 each day? Or will she be at Kohl's (in Uniform) shopping before 3 pm?

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 21st, 2012 @ 9:55AM (13 years ago)

Are you saying you have done any shopping while on duty? I seriously doubt it. 95% of this dept has made purchases while on duty so you have no point.

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 21st, 2012 @ 4:09PM (13 years ago)

When did they ever do formal roll calls in neighborhoods????????

I can see the future!

January 21st, 2012 @ 5:57PM (13 years ago)
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"Hey boss, where's roll call at today?"

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 21st, 2012 @ 6:07PM (13 years ago)

I agree this is a time for the Mayor to make a statement and set his legacy by selecting the RIGHT Chief.... He wanted White out so why pick a clone or even a worse version of White.... Rick Sanders is the only clear choice to lead the men and women of LMPD!

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 22nd, 2012 @ 11:37AM (13 years ago)
Posted by: Praetorian

"We have many so-called leadership schools in our profession, which are actually management training programs. Institutions like the FBI National Academy, Northwest Traffic Institute's School of Staff & Command and the Southern Police Institute really focus on managing the day-to-day operations of a police agency. Little of their curriculum is geared toward teaching first-line supervisors (or senior leadership) how to lead their troops into a combat situation. And, when we think about an active shooter response or terrorist attack with a weapon of mass destruction, we are talking about combat. To my knowledge, no true leadership school exists for police supervisors" (*Street Leadership: 5 Steps to Success by **** Fairbain of the Illinois State Police)

Our problem is that we, the Louisville Metro Police Department, are suffering from what is commonly described as a "Vacuum of Leadership". So what happens when there is a vacuum of motivation, guidance, and direction? From a police and military perspective, nothing good. Just as substance will fill a vacuum, someone or something will fill in where there is an absence of leadership. In some of the military trainings I attended I was reminded that Hitler and Mussolini came to power during these times of "vacuum".

This vacuum becomes especially true when you see a competition for position, such as we have now. So now we, as an agency are suffering from this competition.

Say what you want about RCW, he kept us united, even if it was against him. However he also failed in the largest of the leadership roles he was given; that of leaving his position in a better place than when he came. In many case he appointed people who, while nice folks, followed "a pattern of success" and made themselves politically reliable. Further he continued the damage to the merit system that was designed to limit this type of political malfeasance. In fact he left mess of politically appointed persons, who, for the most part (but not all) use "management methods" instead of leadership, when leadership is desperately needed.

Now I know many of you will disagree with me, but while I have my favorites for the Chief's position, I really don't care which of the candidates gets into the position so long as they are a capable leader. This means they will have to make some serious changes. Some of which I will probably not agree with.

Regardless they will need to:

1. Quickly take Command

2. COMMUNICATE: Speak with Clarity; tell us your expectations and give us the measures so we know when we have accomplished our mission. Tell nothing to command that you won't tell the front line officers.

3. Set an example (ex: Don't give speeches' to the rank and file about how the kool-aid taste fine)

4. Be visible: Leadership is always from the front. Be seen on the street, not just on TV and the occasional roll call table speech.

5. Ensure our people are safe.

6. Ask for help; No one person can do it all.

7. Let the first line leadership LEAD; it what they are supposed to do. Empower them. If they can't cut it, remove them (this may require help from the FOP)

8. Remove those in senior "leadership" positions who prove to be incompetent or poor leaders, no matter how politically connected they may be. In fact, remove officers who aren't capable of doing their jobs either. Don't hide them, and ensure that if they are hidden they don't promote.

9. Stand true to what they know and where the come from, not for where they want to go

For our (the sworn officers) part we have to remain professional. We have to serve our citizens. We will exist when this command is gone, and in fact some may be the command of the future. Take this time and do it right, regardless of the politics around us. We have to hope that our ELECTED leadership in the council and the mayor's office gets it right.

Finally may God bless us all, and may He have mercy on our souls during this time of upheaval.

Good Luck, and Good Day

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 22nd, 2012 @ 8:16PM (13 years ago)

she is a dumb wench promoted due to under the desk favors to white. dirty - period.

she doesn't give a rats *** about this town or dept. just wants to be in charge.

not what we need at all.

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 22nd, 2012 @ 8:35PM (13 years ago)
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Oh crap, we forgot our goofy hats..................

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 23rd, 2012 @ 8:27AM (13 years ago)

Chris, you sure have been fun lately.

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 23rd, 2012 @ 5:24PM (13 years ago)
Posted by: Cheif
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new metrosafe hats!!!!!

Senator Paul detained for 2 hours after refusing genitalia fondling...

January 23rd, 2012 @ 9:15PM (13 years ago)

Alternative solution: demand hot female screener


Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 23rd, 2012 @ 9:25PM (13 years ago)

I wonder if someone might hold a grudge for being called clueless

New issued hats for roll call

January 24th, 2012 @ 6:30AM (13 years ago)
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New issued hats for formal roll call. This is all the budget will allow for.

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 24th, 2012 @ 9:03AM (13 years ago)

You must be new. The department aint gonna buy you a new turd hat. we have had to buy all our own $h1T for years!!!!!!

Yvette will sure like to see you under that stanky Cleveland steamer tho!!! Not like she would wear it. Might jack up her nappy hair.


Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 24th, 2012 @ 12:08PM (12 years ago)

Trolls have ruined this site.


Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 24th, 2012 @ 2:54PM (12 years ago)

i am very disappointed that other "officers" would dump on their brothers/sisters on this site. If that's really the case; this town is F'd. "HANG TOGETHER OR YE WILL SURELY HANG APART" DON'T TREAD ON ME. (backs)

doesn't matter who i am..........

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 24th, 2012 @ 6:05PM (12 years ago)
Posted by: accord

for the love of pete, how many hondas are there in lewisville?

radio 10-15?

January 25th, 2012 @ 10:04PM (12 years ago)

anyone hear of anything about an LPD dispatcher 10-15 in Oldham County in November?

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 26th, 2012 @ 8:26AM (12 years ago)
Posted by: prince turned himself into a symbol

quoted from earlier post. Excellent advice:

And if you want to be frank about what a bad job the command is doing, wait until you're off duty and not in uniform. Telling them to their face may be the manly thing but it's not the smart thing when you're speaking to people who see no wrong in themselves. They take your criticisms as a character flaw since you're not smart enough to recognize how great they are. Lucky for them they have plenty of brown nosers to do that job.

Officers should be approaching the Metro Council members who represent their neighborhood as individuals. When all of them are receiving complaints from different officers on a frequent basis, they tend to notice.

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 26th, 2012 @ 8:29AM (12 years ago)

need a new topic kee-mo-sabee


Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 27th, 2012 @ 1:46PM (12 years ago)

What the heck happened at the Prime Bar.......

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

February 15th, 2012 @ 6:49PM (12 years ago)

This is a case of terminal stupidity. How much more stuck on stupid do you have to be to criminally charge a 7 year when statute says no. There is nothing unique that should be considered in this case regarding charging the little tick turd who threw the ball. Kind of like stopping an FBI agent, taking his credentials, running him on the service channel, writing him a ticket and all the while the agent is in his G-ride, with his in car radio listening to Cody calling in to the service channel and asking radio to call the local FBI office to verify his creds. Just plain stupid.