![]() Friday, December 16th, 2011
EMS employee addresses Metro Council about contract dispute |
RE: EMS employee addresses Metro Council about contract dispute
I agree with alot.... but it doesn't matter if EMS, CORRECTIONS, METROSAFE etc.....are 100% staffeed..... if one calls in sick, injured, school, vacation etc.... it has to be filled with OT. I agree its CHEAPER to pay OT than a new employee with benefits... bht when all public safety folms are woefully underpaid, then the ot is nice... A current 40 years police officer in Traffic has a basepay of $55,557....police in cities our size and many smaller make than in basepay in less than five years!!!!!
to Jason Riley at the CJ.... I beg u to ...
13 years ago
I respect your sentiment, but even if th...
13 years ago
I know that...I have been around 21 year...
13 years ago
- You shoulda QUIT along time ago then, wh... 13 years ago
I know that...I have been around 21 year...
13 years ago
- He does courts, which of course means so... 13 years ago
I respect your sentiment, but even if th...
13 years ago
Overtime should never be expected or cou...
13 years ago
You can statistically figure that a cert...
13 years ago
The assigned car number is a good idea c...
13 years ago
- I don't recall anyone having trouble rem... 13 years ago
- But they are now meaningless if as a fri... 13 years ago
- You will always be in the same division ... 13 years ago
The assigned car number is a good idea c...
13 years ago
You can statistically figure that a cert...
13 years ago
RE: EMS employee addresses Metro Council about contract dispute
Its not just the city that has underpaid employees. The state also has under paid employees. Look at some of the pay grades for those ...........
RE: EMS employee addresses Metro Council about contract dispute
Beats, bounderies, car numbers, it's all Bullsh^t. This city is covered by about 80 t0 100 officers on any given day per shift out of 1100. To me something is really wrong. Patrol is understaffed but the upper command could give a sh&t less. 1 person on a beat during a shift is asking for trouble but no one seems to care. Not only is this dept playing with a loaded gun but also with officers lives. This knee jerk outfit we work for will do nothing about the shortages until someone gets killed and the media finds out there was 7 people working that day on a shift trying to take care of business. This I'll get you a backup when someone comes available dispatch BULLSH$T needs to stop. It ain't no fun walking into a dangerous situation by yourself, (been there done that.) Patrol should be fully staffed before any other dept. they are the ones taking care of active business around the clock, not the ones sitting in a office. If this ruffles a few feathers tough shi%. It the way it is and sometimes the truth hurts.
100% agree. Not only is patrol understaf...
13 years ago
I do agree about the staffing of the pat...
13 years ago
December 20, 2011 @ 09:30:32 AM Posted ...
13 years ago
The reply button was clicked from your p...
13 years ago
I think he meant, could be wrong, that p...
13 years ago
If what he meant by "beneath" is as you ...
13 years ago
You all crack me up..... thats like sayi...
13 years ago
- Once again, the word "all" was not used.... 13 years ago
- I kinda like being back on Patrol. We ar... 13 years ago
You all crack me up..... thats like sayi...
13 years ago
If what he meant by "beneath" is as you ...
13 years ago
I think he meant, could be wrong, that p...
13 years ago
The guys in the "special" units seem to ...
13 years ago
- You are not an elite english major....I ... 13 years ago
The reply button was clicked from your p...
13 years ago
December 20, 2011 @ 09:30:32 AM Posted ...
13 years ago
I do agree about the staffing of the pat...
13 years ago