LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Constable shoots woman in Walmart parking lot in southwest Jefferson


RE: Constable shoots woman in Walmart parking lot in southwest...

November 8th, 2011 @ 9:23PM (12 years ago)

Boy, are you clueless. You do realize that when he came INTO office, virtually all the deputies had gone to the academy, not because they had to by law, but because Sheriff VAUGHN thought it was important? (I think five were exempted for physical reasons.) HE got rid of the green jackets and got them all into uniform. HE is the one that got rid of the political reserves and instituted a training program. Don't give Aubrey credit for things he did not do.

As for his certification, which is what got this started, as far as know, he is not certified. He could be, but chooses not be be. His choice. Most sheriffs are not, I understand, because they don't have to be. Once you leave law enforcement, you lose it, and have to do certain things to regain it. There is no reason for him to seek certification, it doesn't get him anything, he doesn't get the training stipend, after all. His deputies must be, but he doesn't have to. That isn't good or bad, it's simply the truth. I know he attends some training sessions, but I doubt he's made an arrest during his entire time in office, in fact, he's rarely even there. Hettich and Yates run the place, not Aubrey. And given that he's been out of LPD for 20 years, I doubt any of you ever actually worked with him there, and no anything whatsoever, other than what you've been told, about what he did in his years there.