LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Police recruit arrested; accused of rape, sodomy


RE: Police recruit arrested; accused of rape, sodomy

November 4th, 2011 @ 2:59AM (13 years ago)
Posted by: baby

thank you better ville i am glad someone had some brains in this city! but you know dealing with people like whoever is hiding behind his name is what i wll deal with forever. I can handle it! I know what happened to me and so does God! One day my perpetrator will get his...whether on earth or the here after!

RE: Police recruit arrested; accused of rape, sodomy

November 4th, 2011 @ 3:07AM (13 years ago)
Posted by: Wizard

I'll try to lighten up brother, but the lack of personal responsibility that people have these days drives me up a wall. I'm not saying that she doesn't have a right to be up this late or be on this site. I'm saying that it is extremely, extremely, extremely odd that she chooses to troll a police website in the middle of the night, after telling the whole world that she had an affair with a cop in which she ended up accusing him of rape, instead of a rape recovery type site. Odd, odd, odd. The fact that she uses "Baby" as a username means nothing regarding her real identity. I will begin using "Wizard" as a screen name if it makes you feel better. You are correct in stating that some officers are not good guys and they give other officers a bad name. Does that fact give "Baby" the right to come on here anonymously and accuse an officer of rape even though he evidently has never been charged or convicted of such? Does it give her the right to convict the police recruit of rape….with her being the judge, jury, and executioner? Unless she is intimately involved in the investigation (which is highly doubtful) then all she knows is that the recruit and some female were drunk, slept in the same bed, and that the female accused the recruit of rape. That, my friend, does not equal evidence. He may be guilty of rape and more, but with the information available to her and the rest of us, that conclusion can hardly be drawn. SHE decided he's guilty….on a website……at 2:00 in the morning. Not convincing. She has issues and should vent to a professional and not on a website. Regarding her case - give me a name and convincing proof or shut the hell up. That's my stance bro.