![]() Monday, August 29th, 2011
Lawyer for Councilwoman Judy Green asks judge to overturn ethics rulings |
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Lawyer for Councilwoman Judy Green asks judge to overturn ethics...
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Lawyer for Councilwoman Judy Green asks judge to overturn ethics...
Play this at the next hearing.
Lawyer for Councilwoman Judy Green asks judge to overturn ethics...
This woman is an arrogant Bitc$. She thinks the rules don't apply to her. She is a ELECTED thief who needs to be got rid of. If the council knuckles under then the whole crew needs to resign. She says stress might make her condition worse. THEN RESIGN!! There will then be no stress on you anymore. If you poll this city 90% per-cent would want you gone period. So just go away peacefully instead of misusing the taxpayers money. Oh I forgot that's what got you in trouble in the first place.
Lawyer for Councilwoman Judy Green asks judge to overturn ethics...
If she had funneled money to "100 WHITE MEN" she would have been killed and gone already. Or 100 chinese men for that matter. This place is a racist joke.
Lawyer for Councilwoman Judy Green asks judge to overturn ethics...
why is dispatcher T. Aldridge such a jerk on the radio (may be a nice guy but not a nice dispatcher)..... 24/7/365..... there seems to be zero supervison at Meteosafe and the dispatchers are getting worse and worse and worse....they start talking before they key, they release the mic before they stop talking, they are not paying attention to the radio 60% of the time, they have u repeat everythinggggggg, the majority dont give the time after they transmit or acknowledge, they are rudeeeeeeeee. The rudeness and incompatence of the call takers is unreal also.... if anyone listens to 911 calls u will know exactly what I mean. This is on the police channels.... The dispatcher is sitting in a climate controlled room and their sole job is to listen and focus on the one channel they are on and they cant do that.... FED UP! Please Metrosafe please supervise ur people.
Shut up rooky, maybe after you have over...
13 years ago
He is an a$$, he must not have made it t...
13 years ago
sorry I have 20......someone said he hat...
13 years ago
- It's spelled "rookie" stupid! 13 years ago
Are we comparing how many years we have ...
13 years ago
- t.a. was also given many breaks prior to... 13 years ago
sorry I have 20......someone said he hat...
13 years ago
He is an a$$, he must not have made it t...
13 years ago
- Sorry you are having a rough time with y... 13 years ago
Have you brought this to the attention o...
13 years ago
here r the specific example...listen to ...
13 years ago
- Thumbs up! You Like This; no namer. 13 years ago
here r the specific example...listen to ...
13 years ago
Lawyer for Councilwoman Judy Green asks judge to overturn ethics...
so did D Payne get locked up or what?
- what? why would he? 13 years ago
Lawyer for Councilwoman Judy Green asks judge to overturn ethics...
Wait, Judy Green approves money for "100 black men" and that's not racist? what about 100 white men, asain, greek, german, mix, etc. It is crap such as this that needs to stop. BUT WE KEEP LETTING THEM GET BY WITH IT. Im glad this racist B#*@h got caught up in her wrong doings. Asta La Vista Judy Green.
- Watch it!!!!!! Judy Green and Yvette Gen... 13 years ago