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Former LMPD detective gets backup during appeal for her job


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Former LMPD detective gets backup during appeal for her job

July 17th, 2011 @ 12:24AM (14 years ago)

I think the folks in the puzzle palace must be wetting themselves about now.

By the way F I R S T

Former LMPD detective gets backup during appeal for her job

July 17th, 2011 @ 12:42AM (14 years ago)

It's nice that people are speaking up but it shouldn't take the firing of an Officer to get the truth out. It's not just Detectives because there is an incredible amount of pressure put on patrol officers to produce and cloak the truth. They want you to make a burglary a criminal trespass or criminal mischief if nothing is taken. They want felony assaults knocked down to simple assaults. After 10 years of riding a beat it baffles me that a guy who rides his beat, makes his runs, and backs up his partners is viewed as less of an officer because someone who doesn't take care of their beat goes out and writes 20 traffic tickets.

Former LMPD detective gets backup during appeal for her job

July 17th, 2011 @ 3:12AM (14 years ago)

Great job Pete M and Steve Green..... Crystal made mistakes and some big, but she should have never been fired.. THE TRAINING DETECTIVES RECEIVE ON LMPD IS A JOKE.... IN EVERY UNIT ON THIS DEPT IS A JOKE... If u learn from someone who does it wrong and most do... you will do or wrong..... CO'S on this dept are not held accountable for things 85% of the time....

Former LMPD detective gets backup during appeal for her job

July 17th, 2011 @ 8:35AM (14 years ago)

I applaude the both of them and congratulate them on their forced retirement.

Former LMPD detective gets backup during appeal for her job

July 17th, 2011 @ 12:23PM (14 years ago)

They can't do anything but make threats if you don't get stats. They can't fire you, they can't demote you, they can't cut your pay, and they can't even transfer you if you're not a Detective. If they try, you can ask them if they're giving you a direct order to satisfy a citation quota and they back off. A lot of them are nutless wonders ****** big on bluffing and subtle threats, but have nothing to back it up. Show a little backbone and they have to back off or else GET SUED. Being scared of them just feeds their stupidity.

Former LMPD detective gets backup during appeal for her job

July 17th, 2011 @ 12:59PM (14 years ago)

LAPD officers who complained about ticket quotas are awarded $2 million

The veteran motorcycle officers alleged in a lawsuit that they were punished with bogus performance reviews, threats of reassignment and other forms of harassment after objecting to demands from commanding officers that they write a certain number of tickets each day.

April 12, 2011|By Andrew Blankstein and Joel Rubin, Los Angeles Times

A jury awarded a pair of Los Angeles police officers $2 million Monday after determining that LAPD supervisors had retaliated against the officers for complaining about alleged traffic ticket quotas.

Howard Chan and David Benioff, both veteran motorcycle officers with the department's West Traffic Division, sued the department in 2009, alleging that they had been punished with bogus performance reviews, threats of reassignment and other forms of harassment after objecting to demands from commanding officers that they write a certain number of tickets each day, according to the suit.

Former LMPD detective gets backup during appeal for her job

July 18th, 2011 @ 12:37PM (14 years ago)
Posted by: you got to be kidding

Are you kidding me?! Detective Marlowe falsified evidence, swore out warrants and incarcerated the wrong person(s) that not only cost the city, but the citizens wrongly acuused. She even ignored evidence that proved one of the accused was not only not in the city the day of, but not even in the state. So yes, SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED! AND NEVER NEEDS TO BE ON THE JOB EVER AGAIN!

Now as far asher supervisors and command staff, they too should be held accountable and either "6th & Cedar'd" or at least busted back down the ranks to Patrol.

Former LMPD detective gets backup during appeal for her job

July 18th, 2011 @ 10:54PM (14 years ago)

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harper & minnear

July 19th, 2011 @ 11:13PM (14 years ago)

So how much did the city settle with her? I'm sure with all the public transparency we will find out.


July 19th, 2011 @ 11:16PM (14 years ago)


Former LMPD detective gets backup during appeal for her job

July 20th, 2011 @ 10:46AM (14 years ago)

Is it too much to ask to just go to work and do some work? We get paid decent money to do what the majority of the time is not that difficult. Our Chief and commanders back us 100%, they are there for us, not for themselves. We are spoiled to the point of ridiculousness. Our chief is a great leader sought out by many other agencies we are fortunate to have him so quit the whining or we may lose what we have. Our Lts, Sgts, Majors and above have all earned their rank so show some respect and do what they ask no more no less. If we all just give a little extra we will be so much better off and taken care of. Hopefully our new batch of Majors to be will take as good care of us as their fellow commandeers. Most of you are just jealous that their hard work and dedication has paid off for those in command and now all they ask is for us to do the same. I love my department and my leaders and if you don't you know where the door is......don't let it hit you in the a$$ on the way out!

And if you believe a word of what I posted above you are even more stupid and gullible than anyone!!! So breathe deep and let your blood pressure go back down, I thought some humor would do some good. Great leader............HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !

Former LMPD detective gets backup during appeal for her job

July 20th, 2011 @ 10:01PM (14 years ago)
Posted by: Chuck

First post

porn cop does home invasion

July 21st, 2011 @ 1:18PM (14 years ago)

did you all hear that a home invasion in Newburg last week, the victim said the guy that fired off a shot into the ceiling was chris dison.....

Former LMPD detective gets backup during appeal for her job

July 22nd, 2011 @ 11:16AM (14 years ago)


Debbie Harper

July 30th, 2011 @ 8:08PM (14 years ago)

I just watched the you tube clip and think the Debbie Harper girl is a disgrace to the badge and herself just like marlow.