LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Officer struck by van during foot chase


RE: Officer struck by van during foot chase

July 5th, 2011 @ 10:57PM (14 years ago)

You get what you pay for. If the department wants people who act like practicing attorneys and speak like public relations people, then they can pay higher salaries. Otherwise they can shut up and like it when unhappy people file lawsuits and complaints. There are many governments out there paying a lot more than Louisville. They frequently hire away the best young officers from LMPD.

RE: Officer struck by van during foot chase

July 8th, 2011 @ 1:06PM (14 years ago)

QUOTE: "I'm just curious as well, but about a different matter. Did those who are making 30K or less know the salary when they signed up for this job? I suspect they knew how much they would be making and they got what the job offered when they accepted the position. Were they promised more and someone didn't deliver? It's always about money with cops. If you took the job to get rich, I recommend a different profession."

May I remind you on the car issue? The insurance issue?

Yes, we have been promised many things that they didn't deliver. And none of it was money