LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Take home car vote passes!

Majority vote to accept tentative offer.


RE: Take home car vote passes!

March 8th, 2011 @ 2:29PM (13 years ago)

Really dude? That's like saying if you are reckless and hit someone in a noninjury accident that the penalty should be the same if someone does die. Or hey, if you shoot a man in the leg, the punishment should be the same for shooting and killing him. Apples and oranges. The point is, he shouldn't get a HARSHER punishment for speeding than anyone else like some people here are claiming he should. That's no more fair than getting a lesser punishment would be. In 10 years, I've never had a problem with the guy and I'm really surprised how much hatred is being shown here calling for him to get kicked out of his unit or get 30 days for speeding when we all know other cops who have done the same have just lost their cars or gotten a few days over it. I hope you guys are never in a situation where you've got your brothers at work wanting to burn you in effigy over a common mistake in judgment that is made by police officers often.