LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Retrospective on Louisville's Mayor, Jerry Abramson: PART FIVE

The Ugly


RE: Retrospective on Louisville's Mayor, Jerry Abramson: PART...

January 7th, 2011 @ 1:55PM (13 years ago)

I think it's quite pathetic of you to try and play the Mike Show card. No one from LPD defended what he did then and no one from LMPD is defending what he did now. As was mentioned before, Mike left the department quietly with his head held down in shame. As well he should have.

RE: Retrospective on Louisville's Mayor, Jerry Abramson: PART...

January 7th, 2011 @ 1:58PM (13 years ago)

Cut Mike some slack. He may have sucked on one d__k 20 years ago, but Cobaugh was an a__h__le up to and including the day he retired.