LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Retrospective on Louisville's Mayor, Jerry Abramson: PART FIVE

The Ugly


RE: Retrospective on Louisville's Mayor, Jerry Abramson: PART...

January 5th, 2011 @ 6:29PM (13 years ago)

Thank you for demonstrating your profound ignorance. The term "blood stripe" is a direct reference to the red stripe sewn on the legs of US Marine Corps dress blue trousers. It is worn to symbolize and commemorate the battle of Chapultepec in September of 1847 in which Marine officers and noncommisioned officers sustained unusually high casualty rates over the course of the battle. The blood stripe is worn with honor and respect for fallen Marines and is awarded once a Marine is promoted to the rank of corporal. It is a highly visible symbol of the leadership responsibilities placed on young Marines once they attain the rank of NCO. It has absolutely nothing to do with killing anyone or anything and as a Marine, I find your insinuation disgusting and offensive.

RE: Retrospective on Louisville's Mayor, Jerry Abramson: PART...

January 5th, 2011 @ 6:38PM (13 years ago)

You are probably the one who talked Cobaugh into hanging the bell out at Southfields after you watched G.I. Jane. Judging from your post, you probably get most of you references from TV.