LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Retrospective on Louisville's Mayor, Jerry Abramson: PART FIVE

The Ugly


RE: Retrospective on Louisville's Mayor, Jerry Abramson: PART...

January 2nd, 2011 @ 7:46PM (13 years ago)

Also lets not forget how the Lt.'s and Capt's opted out of the having the FOP negotiate their contracts to get bigger raises. Then came along merger and they realized....uh oh no representation. He managed to get the Lt.'s and Capt.'s back in the FOP and an extension on the contract (Lt.'s and Capt's only) with a huge raise while letting everyone else's contract expire. Is that what the FOP President is suppose to do? Take care of the upper command while the troops take a blow. Thats not what I would call the "best" FOP President. I call that a backstabbing arsehole. Another reason commanders should not be FOP Presidents. They always end up folding like a spineless weenie he is.

RE: Retrospective on Louisville's Mayor, Jerry Abramson: PART...

January 6th, 2011 @ 2:40PM (13 years ago)

I knew him when he was "just an old jail guard" and I was policing when he came on the JCPD. Take it from me, he was a back-stabbing POS who testified at the Berit board against a good policeman who got fired because then Major Graham had a hard-on for him. Cobaugh cut a deal that he would get hired on the dept. in return for testifying against the guy. He was a rat then and he remained a rat throughout his career.