LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Greg Fischer wins race for Louisville mayor after Hal Heiner concedes


RE: Greg Fischer wins race for Louisville mayor after Hal Heiner...

November 3rd, 2010 @ 4:00PM (14 years ago)

It could be worse guys you could be employed by JCSO. (No raise for the last two years, no PROFESSIONALISM what so ever, having to cancel plans that were made weeks ago because you found out the day before you got screwed to work 12 hour shifts for the stupid breeders cup). Sounds like the both of you have it pretty good.

RE: Greg Fischer wins race for Louisville mayor after Hal Heiner...

November 3rd, 2010 @ 5:41PM (14 years ago)

I can promise you that jealousy is not involved. I like having a command staff that backs me, I like having respect from the people of my county and the media doesn't run us through the mud every chance they get. You can keep all of that.