LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Greg Fischer wins race for Louisville mayor after Hal Heiner concedes


RE: Greg Fischer wins race for Louisville mayor after Hal Heiner...

November 3rd, 2010 @ 5:12AM (14 years ago)

You know a grand total of 10 officers from LMPD and you say you would take 7 or 8 out as a road troop. I'm no math genius, but I'd say thats pretty good odds in our favor. I don't really know any KSP troopers but I've been watching them come into town every summer for the fair for the past 18 years, taking off thier name tags, stomping the sh!t out of folks, then head back to the Executive inn and raise hell drinking and acting like a bunch of high school kids. That's just me though. I realize that KSP makes it a habit to stay out of politics. How's that working out for you. Were you in favor of absorbing KMVE? Sometimes in life you have to make tough decisions and take action based on what you think is right, regardless of the consequences. If the incoming administration wants to be vindictive and take revenge out on us because we didn't endorse him then so be it. That just proves how petty and immature they are. I for one am glad that we at least took a stand and made our voices heard. Its easy for cowards to hide in the background, keeping their mouths shut and hoping everything works out. Barrack Obama has made a career of not taking a stand on issues and voting "present". How is that working out for him? Time will tell with Mr. Fischer and his leadership but again, at least we had the moral courage to make a descision and act on it. If the new mayor and the chief want to try and make things uncomfortable for us, then let the games begin. That's between them and us. You however, don't have a dog in this fight. Don't worry about our uniforms. We get the job done. That's what is important. So head back out to the interstate and be safe.