LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

The case of Louisville's naked cop


RE: The case of Louisville's naked cop

October 15th, 2010 @ 9:43AM (14 years ago)
Posted by: mailady

We will never get an honest Mayor and an honest Chief again unless we vote for Hal Heiner who is an honest man and can do a lot for this city. He will pick a good Chief not one who would put up with all the crap that LMPD puts up with now. We have never had so many problems. This dept does not discipline equally. So many black police officers have gotten away with so much and the whites get fired. I can name at least three black police officers who have done everything except murder and they are still on the dept. Would you want someone who is a thief and no telling what else to be your backup? They are lazy and never show up. Someone is going to get hurt by them not doing their job. If Fischer gets the Mayor job then he will keep White and nothing will change. By the way Dison has not been the only one to be stupid and do this on the dept computer, just thought he would have learned. Our police officers are good officers and put their lives on the line everyday for normal people and the thrash who call them. You have most of them who are very good officers and a few who do stupid stuff but really if we could clean out the Chief's office then maybe for the first time in along time this dept would be respected again. We just need to get rid of the thieves, and others who should have been fired along with Dison. Not just the whites who do wrong but the blacks too. I don't need to name names because you know who you are.