LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville Metro Police Officer Charles Moore has lengthy history of misconduct


RE: Louisville Metro Police Officer Charles Moore has lengthy...

August 2nd, 2010 @ 9:41PM (14 years ago)

I stole this post from someone who put it on a response to a previous post.

"I worked with Randy Moore for a year and he was the most useless officer I have ever seen. I made several complaints to my Sgt's regarding him not showing up on runs and nothing was ever done. He should have been fired a long time ago. He must know how to bowl!"

Again goes back to what many of us have been saying. Our sergeants don't do anything with our complaints until it is too late in my opinion. I say it is because they don't want to be the bad guys on the department. Look at the sgt that interviewed Moore like you said. Come on, you got to be kidding us. How many of us work with true chumps that don't do anything, we tell our bosses and they shrug their shoulders. How many of us are willing to make our complaints formal in writing on a derelict coworker. I did with my sergeant and nothing got done because he did not want to be a bad guy and do anything about it. Then again working on latewatch I think he figures it will go away and he is a derelict himself. Got in trouble with a Lt himself and threatened to sue. Come on.

Bottom line is we need to realize that it looks like a lot of these guys like Moore would not get away with it if our sergeants acted when we told them instead of being scared or sissy's. Next time you have a problem with a coworker like safety or not showing up or anything illegal you should be writing it down and demand which is your right to see that the sergeant act in writing. Request to see their response in writing for a change. We let too many chumps get passed around because our own bosses try to avoid either being bad guys or are afraid to do something theirself.