LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Police air unit criminals pay for


RE: Police air unit criminals pay for

July 10th, 2010 @ 7:33PM (15 years ago)

Not all the funds were allowed to each division on the old lpd, just a few. If you remember most seized funds got funnelled to the narcotics unit and we rarely got any of it. Most did go to the general fund. That is awesome that some of the people out there took care of your district sounds like they do have some pride in the 7th. Betting the bosses will take care of them for doing because today had to be stinkin hot for them to be out there. Had to come by there the other day and thought the outside looked overgrown so you are right it needed it. The sign you guys have over your division officer entrance was pretty cool because you quoted it in your post Paul. How long and how did the bosses get tthis cost covered by the city or did they? Just wondering because would be cool to have something like that over our division entrance. Definitelya catches your eye.

RE: Police air unit criminals pay for

July 11th, 2010 @ 7:00AM (15 years ago)

Hey Paul i bet the Major would really appreciate it if you would release the death grip you have on his nut sac. what a joke!!!! Still being led around by the nose , are we???

RE: Police air unit criminals pay for

July 11th, 2010 @ 3:25PM (15 years ago)

Watch Metro Parks file a greivence...LOL

RE: Police air unit criminals pay for

July 11th, 2010 @ 4:37PM (15 years ago)

They may have gotten to keep it, but the law doesn't require it, unfortunately.