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Police air unit criminals pay for


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Police air unit criminals pay for

July 7th, 2010 @ 12:38AM (15 years ago)

Yes they applied for a helicopter but the Feds said no way...you just sold your only working helicopter!! dumbas*es

Police air unit criminals pay for

July 7th, 2010 @ 12:51AM (15 years ago)

These helicopters that they get from the feds have easier maintenance then the one we have, and cheaper to work on. The chopper we have is a money pit and is not practical for police work. They say the one we have, has more power and is quieter, which is critical in police work. Duh it is a helicopter you aren't going to sneak up on anybody. I would prefer 2 hueys then one of ours. Sorry but it the truth.

Police air unit criminals pay for

July 7th, 2010 @ 8:27AM (15 years ago)

"He (Chief White) admitted an air unit is a legitimate need, but he says it is not a necessity." The air unit is a necessity in helping to keep officers safe. I guess the chief thinks that his officers lives are not a necessity. What an outstanding leader. Dear God help us all if this moron stays here and cannot find a job somewhere else. I think this is why he is still here. Other cities know how incompetent he really is and will not hire him. Cities only place him as a finalist because of his ethnic origins. I'll stop ranting. I'm just a little upset about how incompetent and moronic the police chief really is. My 4yoa child could be a better police chief in this town.

Police air unit criminals pay for

July 7th, 2010 @ 4:47PM (15 years ago)

Someone really should do a story on how seized funds from police actions do not go to the police department. Mayor Fat Head started stealing that money for the General Fund way before he tried to steal the money from our own paychecks.

General Fund = Mayor can do whatever he wants with it and he don't want the police to have it.

Police air unit criminals pay for

July 7th, 2010 @ 9:21PM (15 years ago)

The next Mayor needs to take a trip down to Fort Cambell and get a few of these. Don't forget to buy the ground to air missiles so pursuits of dangerous felons can be safely "terminated"

Police air unit criminals pay for

July 7th, 2010 @ 9:45PM (15 years ago)

The video above this one shows the helicopter the department should get. This video shows the one LMPD would actually get, except it would be painted pink, have a smiley face on the bottom, and JERR-AIR printed on the tail.

Police air unit criminals pay for

July 8th, 2010 @ 11:47AM (15 years ago)
Posted by: kickbacks

We have an air unit? what's that?

Police air unit criminals pay for

July 8th, 2010 @ 11:52AM (15 years ago)
Posted by: kickbacks

k-9's too! you people are nuts! this is Louisville. we don't have any of that fancy crap. We have Cordish/Jerry.

Police air unit criminals pay for

July 8th, 2010 @ 7:05PM (15 years ago)
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Chief Bob White of the Louisville Metro Police Dept. acquires 3 new police helicopters. Two were purchased for $22 and the third was donated by Toys R Us.

Good Day!

Police air unit criminals pay for

July 8th, 2010 @ 7:15PM (15 years ago)
Posted by: KICKBACKS
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you people don't need an air unit. and just to make sure you people don't chase any dirtbags in cars, we have selected this vehicle to replace the crown vic !!!


Police air unit criminals pay for

July 8th, 2010 @ 10:32PM (15 years ago)
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How budget cuts will impact the bike patrol this year.

BREAKING-- Atlanta, GA mayor confirmed to have a brain

July 9th, 2010 @ 7:46AM (15 years ago)
Posted by: Wannabe

The Atlanta J-C broke the news last night that Louisville Chief Robert White will not be their city's next police chief.