LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Metro officer wounds robbery suspect during chase


RE: Metro officer wounds robbery suspect during chase

July 6th, 2010 @ 8:55PM (14 years ago)

If you do that with an armed suspect, especially a robber, you are asking to get blown away. .40S&W does not reliably stop a target through a front windshield, but a robber's AK-47 or .44 magnum can do so easily. If you approach a truly dangerous subject from the front, he would probably have you in his crosshairs long before you get a good shot. You can always call SWAT instead of getting your platoon in over their heads.

RE: Metro officer wounds robbery suspect during chase

July 6th, 2010 @ 10:21PM (14 years ago)

Shooting through car windows isn't always easy, even for SWAT.

RE: Metro officer wounds robbery suspect during chase

July 6th, 2010 @ 10:26PM (14 years ago)

Dozens of shots fired at vehicle at point blank range by SWAT, and the guy gets hit in the arm once.

RE: Metro officer wounds robbery suspect during chase

July 7th, 2010 @ 4:06AM (14 years ago)

SWAT TEAM, they are no more trained than any other officer! They just get more SD time--- special duty time to play around. They just pick their buddies and who they want to be on SWAT, Not who would perform the best at the job tasks. Every Officer here has the gutz and ballz to do the job or they would not be out on the Streets. Thats why most the SWAT guys are OFF the STREET and are in the TRAINIG DIVISION NOW. LOL. The BAREFOOT NINJAS! I see a PATTERN, maybe COMPSTAT can come to a conclusion with that.