LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

LMPD officer suspended over forged receipt


RE: LMPD officer suspended over forged receipt

May 31st, 2010 @ 2:00PM (14 years ago)
Posted by: concerned citizen

And it sounds like half the dept doesnt deserve one either, bunch of thumb sucking cowards! And being a tax payer, this my business. Glad to see the true colors of half you pig gossip laden cowards who don't half the courage to speak up in person. So you vent behind a screen. I bet if I asked this Baker offc if anyone has expressed their concerns to his face, I'm sure he would say NO! Again shaking my head at you ones that think you so deservant to serve us cause thats the duties with the badge, but im sure you think it is a status, yet show your true colors in hiding. If you treat your fellow offc and such and this is the charchter of you peole, you proably set people up on the streets. Full of corruption yourselves!! I think we as citizens should be BEWARE!!