LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

LMPD officer suspended over forged receipt


RE: LMPD officer suspended over forged receipt

May 19th, 2010 @ 4:46PM (14 years ago)

Officers in the 5th should refuse to work with her. I surely wouldn't

feel comfortable being anywhere near her.

It's amazing that she can get by with so much. There is

a policy that says you cannot hang out with shady characters.

She breaks this every time she hangs out with her MC club.

I'm embarrassed to wear the same badge. PATHETIC!!!

RE: LMPD officer suspended over forged receipt

May 19th, 2010 @ 4:47PM (14 years ago)

Well, that's a new one on me. I'm not with your agency, but across the street over @ 6th/Liberty. We've had numerous officers fired for lying over my time there. Just last year, we had a couple of them depart unwillingly. I've had it hammered into my head constantly for my entire time on, that the ONE thing you don't do is lie. The admin can forgive a lot of things, but lying isn't, never has been, and never will be one of them. About the only thing we have is our integrity, and once that's gone, well...you've got nothing.

Kinda like your admin and the officer in question. This is her SECOND time being jammed up for "untruthfulness". Shoulda been gone the first time, but one would think this time would've done it. And no charges? Nothing for forgery, CPFI, TBD, etc? Surely one of those statutes is applicable.

Oh well, makes it easier for the rest of you to get off. There had better NEVER be another termination under Chief White for someone lying during an investigation. Instant lawsuit, one would think.

Oh, and Velcro - talked to McDowell. I know who you are now. You worked with me on shift for a while, before you went over to that clusterf*** of a department*. I'll email you at work, to let you know who I am.