Please answer the following questions to the best of your mind-altered ability: 3. Do you have diabetes? ____________________ To the poster of these questions. I am a public servant and I have more than likely made runs with you. I am not a criminal, I do control my diabates. but I would hope that if for some unforseen reason my bloodsugar went high or low and my behavior became irritable I would not have a concern about being tazed. I would hope assistance would be given. The implication of mind
Please answer the following questions to the best of your mind-altered ability: 3. Do you have diabetes? ____________________ To the poster of these questions. I am a public servant and I have more than likely made runs with you. I am not a criminal, I do control my diabates. but I would hope that if for some unforseen reason my bloodsugar went high or low and my behavior became irritable I would not have a concern about being tazed. I would hope assistance would be given. The implication of mind