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Appeals court favors firefighters in back pay suit


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Appeals court favors firefighters in back pay suit

September 6th, 2009 @ 11:25PM (15 years ago)

WAY TO GO Guys , another loss to King Jerry and his Mayor for life BS ... but of course he wants an appeal "Again" Go figure ! ..... Firefighters unite and keep fighting this clown tooth and nail ... WE are ALL behind YOU !!

Appeals court favors firefighters in back pay suit

September 7th, 2009 @ 12:05PM (15 years ago)
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Jerry Abramsons Sucks! No wonder there was a booth at the Fair selling No Jerry shirts and bumper stickers. He has figured out that he needs to take his show on the road that his audience here is on to his sleight of hand.

Once again Abramson loses in court and once again he hires one of his buddy's law firms (at a hefty price tag) to appeal something that he will lose since the parent argument has already been heard by the Ky Supreme Court.

The Ky Supreme Court ordered Abramson to pay them last November and he still has not done so.

I guess that I will get my 15 months of payments i was forced to make for my take home car back in about 15 years.

Kentucky does not need this POS in any government position.

Appeals court favors firefighters in back pay suit

September 7th, 2009 @ 12:19PM (15 years ago)

Picture says it all.

Appeals court favors firefighters in back pay suit

September 7th, 2009 @ 1:25PM (15 years ago)

I have said openly that I feel this man Jerry is a GENIUS... WHY, because he will leave this burg high and dry and who ever comes in will inherit a MESS to fix and the lemmings of louisville will talk about how GREAT Jerry was... He is a GENIUS. That is why he is appealling the decision, he is buying time to dump it onto the next poor b@st@rd that comes into office... Even if looses his run for Lt. Governor, he will be able to say he left on his own and was never voted out or impeached.

If you think it is for any other reason, you are a not politically astute.

- T.S.

Appeals court favors firefighters in back pay suit

September 7th, 2009 @ 6:15PM (15 years ago)

That he does...


September 8th, 2009 @ 12:01PM (15 years ago)
Posted by: kickbacks

T.S. is 100% correct - Jerry is not appealing because he believes he is right, Jerry is not appealing because he thinks he can win, Jerry is appealing to screw over the next mayor of Louisville - so Jerry can say, "NOT MY PROBLEM." Jerry cronied up to Lt Gov to escape when the walls come a tumblin' down. He doesn't want to be any where near here when Louisville goes bankrupt because of his wrong doings. and what better place to go (Frankfort) in order to get a governor's pardon when he is actually indicted? "Gee boss, i uh, uh, duh they want to hurt me. Can you uh, duh, give me a pardon?" sure, no problem my fat-headed pet. how much did you say Cordish was gonna give me in kickbacks on those state projects?


Appeals court favors firefighters in back pay suit

September 9th, 2009 @ 10:00AM (15 years ago)

I read the AG's opinion on whether or not Abramson overstepped his powers. It disgusted me to think that nobody noticed this at merger and he was allowed to slip it in un-noticed. He is within his powers but it is unethical as hell.

I was curious to see that moron David Tandy saying (now that he is running for mayor) that we don't want to do anything too drastic.

This town wil turn into a more corrupt place than it already is unless this is changd immediately. Abramson is a thief and a liar but he is not overt about it like the Daleys in Chicago. What happens if we do get someone even more corrupt than him in there?

Appeals court favors firefighters in back pay suit

September 10th, 2009 @ 9:23AM (15 years ago)

A good read from LEO ( i know they are a bunch of hippy liberals, but still a good read) on the Cordish Fiasco


Appeals court favors firefighters in back pay suit

September 10th, 2009 @ 4:12PM (15 years ago)

Corrupt ...not Corrupt does it really matter. What is the most disgusting thing about this man is that people continue to support him and think he is god in this city. Now those whom are running for his spot see how he has manipulated our city to line his pockets and those of his friends, and they are showing that they will be no better. Our community has learned to become self sufficient and not need their elected officials to be anything but crooks. We have lived with this way of government for so long that we dont know any better, so come election time dont be surprised to have another elected dumb *** who will care little about our community and more about their pockets. Civil servants are suppose to be in that field to serve the communities best interest and its obvious this city's elected officials aren't.

Just look at the support the chief gets.."no drug problems or gangs" how inept can one be especially when you have 30+ years of police service...evidently denial is a big part of the way the elected officials think they should portray our lives to us. Only people whom haved lived in a hole for the last 5 years could possibly think we are a safe city.

Whom ever this community decides to elect just be at ease knowing they are going to do little if nothing for the quality of life issues that are plaguing our city. The city include ALL parts of the county: east,west,south the majority voted for a united representation for all areas not just the downtown area where any person with common sense would not be after 11pm. Our community deserves a better representation than the crooks we have had in their the last 30 years.

If we can elect a black president then the time to get rid of crooks in politics is now, for our city is sliding down a muddy slope toward a huge hole which we cannot ever get back from if we dont act now. Be an active part in whom you decide to vote for those whom represent you if you dont dont b**ch about it later.

Congrats to the firefighters stick it to um.

Appeals court favors firefighters in back pay suit

September 12th, 2009 @ 9:54AM (15 years ago)

If you all have read the CJ, you will know that his holiness is now cancelling the furlough day program... Seems odd to me, UNLESS he is now trying suck up to the labor unions...

COL. Troy Riggs

September 14th, 2009 @ 7:32PM (15 years ago)

Col. Riggs is the New Chief Of Police in Corpus Christi TX.....He begins Oct. 5th. The CJ is WAY behind because they are reporting he is one of two finalist, NOT....HE GOT THE F-ing JOB!