LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

IUS hires Louisville's Edelen as police chief


RE: IUS hires Louisville's Edelen as police chief

August 22nd, 2009 @ 1:52AM (15 years ago)

For that, I apologize. We have alot of good people on this department with alot of bad managers. Some of our majors and commanders are sells-out and not considered when I express an interest in unity. I am former city with over ten years on and I give a rat where you came from or where you policed. I care about how safe you are, how you have my back and helping each other get home at night. These are concepts that are lost by many in command because they are so pressured to "look good" and pad stats at inflated comstat meetings where even more egos come into play. The county and city both had top-notch police departments that were well respected with their own individual policing issues. I hated seeing a new government come in and destroy what all officers were so proud to stand for. It starts with our command. We must have a better way to get qualified people into positions of authority. A written test and subjective scenario test is not enough. Cops that take the sergeants exam after 5 years are not prepared to lead people and make decisions unless other factors such as military leadership or an impeccible record are considered.