LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

RE: Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

June 14th, 2009 @ 12:34AM (15 years ago)

In this posting no one (that I have noticed) put anything about "laying their lives on the line" because it was not about that It is about we are sacraficing to make ends meet also. The officers who are getting reduced or "free" (as you put it) rent at apartment complexes are working for that. They are oncall by the mgmt and tenants for service. This reduces the calls for service that the department gets at these locations. I have not worked any off duty for cash in a long time (years) as most companies are paying by check. When I did get cash I always claimed it on my tax forms as it is not worth it to get the IRS penilties. I understand your possition on what police do and why you have issues with some of it BUT don't paint us all with a broad brush that we have no idea what the real world is like. EVERYTHING I have for my family has been paid for by myself or my wife. I owe nothing to anyone for giving me something for free.

What you paid for your insurance is your problem. I have 3 vehicles, all used and old, which are insured and I do my own maintenance on them. I have always kept a personal car even when I had (yes HAD) a take home as I did not want to drive it all over the place with my family in it. Everyone has their own problems with vehicles, insurance and maintenance so don't feel like you are the only one.

RE: Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

June 14th, 2009 @ 10:23AM (15 years ago)

Working for "cash" is no longer a reality - since even if they hand you cash (or more likely a check), reputable businesses DO have your SSN and turn it in to the IRS. So yes, even if I get a handful of cash for my work, I will be paying taxes on it.

Cops don't lay their lives on the line every day? So, all those "trouble runs" made every day couldn't turn out just like Pete Grignon's did? That's the difference, cops know every single call could result in someone INTENTIONALLY shooting them - and they have to go anyway. It's what cops (and firefighters and EMS) sign up for, after all.